(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just find one that turns on and use it. Worry about the details later.

looking into it for ye
will email

I didn't think it was a slight, I was just curious. Definitely looks like an amazing collection. [begins turning over couch cushions]


@party compo with no ctrix??

I'm sure there's a rooftop in Brooklyn that wouldn't mind having you.


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

aw shucks. Thanks for listening!

YES! What a great way to start the day!

Guna d/l asap. Looking forward to that shirt.

Yep. Guna be ther.

awesome backdrop, roight?

wasn't able to film oxygenstar. batteries can suckit.

Attending this event will give you +12 Freedom credits.

Which you can redeem at your favorite, Freedom-loving hospital's burn clinic.

Which you will be visiting after the fireworks and bleeps burn your face off.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dauragon wrote:

Damn, I forgot I even had a virb.

Saw one of these not aday ago as I was crossing the street somewhere in Manhattan. Looks like it had seen better days. I definitely like what he's doing/did when it's well executed though.

This is tonight. DONT MISS OUT. From a ghettoblaster, not entirely unlike the one pictured above, directly to your BRAINS.

And the weather is awesome.


(8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

That looks exactly like the school I taught at in Japan. Those kids, WAHT'L THEY THINK OF NEXT.

June 21st // Make Music NY
595 Vanderbilt Ave between Bergen and Dean // 6PM sharp
All ages // No moneys

Local chiptune musicians Zen Albatross and Note! are joining forces to celebrate the longest day of year with an outdoor street concert at New York City's annual MAKE MUSIC Festival!

Come watch as the two Brooklyn locals spill forth ghettoblasted 8-bit beats from two pairs of Nintendo Game Boys onto the hot pavement near Grand Army Plaza in South Brooklyn.

**Zen Albatross****Zen Albatross**
**Zen Albatross****Zen Albatross**


Born and raised by a family of bird-like CSS templates, Zen Albatross uses homebrew software and ancient spirit magicks to craft introspective elegies and infectious dance beats for the Nintendo Game Boy. It is recommended that his music be heard while aboard a steam-powered airship, but in the event that this setting is unavailable, land-based listening is an acceptable alternative.



Note! makes music using antiquated hardware synths, video game consoles and circuit bent toys. Being a percussionist first, much of his music revolves around strong beats and rhythm play. While his music tends towards the more upbeat, you can easily find darker and more aggressive tracks change the mood.

Chiptune musicians melt if they stay out in the sun for too long, so the show is only going to be an hour long. But there are plenty more acts playing in locations throughout the city all day long.

Check out more info at:
