an0va - "Identity Gormation."

Don't forget to rsvp yo … c6MQ#gid=0

my god that's an ugly link. deal with it.

Supremely awesome show. Especially when ro-bear used flasheart's drumset!!#!$!%%


Coming soon: me and an0va performing a reggae version of Animal Style's "DMJah Guitar."

Since April's Third Generation was a Philly Tech Week-sponsored celebration of our hometown's budding scene, the latest installation of Philadelphia's newest chip music showcase is a NEW YORK TAKEOVER!! Marvel at the DMG-enius sounds of Kris Keyser, Exilefaker and Note! and the Sega-tastic visuals of Batsly Adams! You all know these guys, they hardly need an introduction... I'll just wrap it up like this: With a combined gig history that includes 8static, Lebowski Fest, Pulsewave, South By Southwest, the illustrious BLIP FESTIVAL and so many more amazing shows, you just can't go wrong.

Also, this month we'll be hosting our first THIRD GENERATION OPEN MIC! Show up early to sign up, bring any kind of portable chip-music-generating device, preferably with a 1/4-inch audio out, try to keep your song to about 5 minutes including setup, and ROCK OUT! If you'll require something fancier than that, please let us know in advance and we'll see what we can do.

And don't forget to visit to RSVP -- get a discount at the door if you're on the list!

THANKS and see you there!!!


Third Generation Chip Music Showcase
Friday, Aug. 26
8 pm
at PhilaMOCA, 531 N. 12th St., Philadelphia

Music by
Kris Keyser
Visuals by Batsly Adams

All Ages
$5 with RSVP, $8 w/o (see above for link)
Show up early for open mic! for venue info

THIS WAS FUN. And hot. But fun, really. Thanks, BMore!

Ro-Bear wrote:

Natty, any chance I could use FlashHearts drum set?


Thanks dooods! Full set is here..  Hotel Cal is #5 smile

As for the rest of the Lebowski set... I am DYING to put it out.. but i'm all paranoid now because of that Kind of Bloop nonsense.. if anyone wants to, you know, help me buy the rights to some of these songs....


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that moment when you actually get asked to play an encore and you don't know what to play, then you finally decide, and you can't find what cart it's on and then have to wait for it to load and the crowd doesn't really know if it cares about you anymore.

HPizzle wrote:
chipocrite wrote:

worth checking out even if one of my sets consisted entirely of me covering Boston songs on homemade bagpipes or something)

omg that would be aweosme

*preps for his next Halloween set*

You know, I wasn't totally sure. I thought it was a fundraiser so maybe like some kind of donation but it looks like $15 on this site:

Woohooo!! Awesome chip/VG show at a Japanese relief fundraiser and cultural celebration. It's fun AND it's for a good cause?? How often does THAT HAPPEN??

"The Philadelphia Japan Arts Matsuri (PJAM) is a four-day festival/fundraiser to benefit the Japanese Red Cross.  The festival will feature Japanese film, music, and art and will extend to include local performers and artists... A celebration of popular culture the likes of which Philadelphia has never seen!  The lobby of the Prince Music Theater will be transformed into a convention-like environment featuring vendors, music, and JAPANESE ARCADE GAMES including popular samurai sword swinging TSURUGI! The games will be set on free play, but attendees will still have the option to insert quarters for the sake of charity.  And that’s just the entranceway…"

Prince Music Theater - 1412 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Chip show starts Friday, July 8 at 9 pm featuring music by:

Data Parade (somewhere in NJ) -- tenori-on set!!
DJ Cutman (Rochester)
Ro-Bear (PHL)
Chipocrite (PHL)

Live visuals provided by Chromacle (PHL)

Visit the site mentioned above for more info. It's gonna be COOOOLLLLLL!!! And it might make you feel good about yourself.

(And yes, I am playing 8static the next night, but I solemnly and wholeheartedly swear to play two entirely different sets, although the events are so different and have such unique lineups that they will be totally worth checking out even if one of my sets consisted entirely of me covering Boston songs on homemade bagpipes or something)

It's gonna be awEsome!!!


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:




(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I read this whole thread, but I can't remember everything.. Forgive me if I'm repeating. Also, I'm pissed that I didn't see this earlier.. i missed the good stuff, hahah. Anyway here are some:

Nana-mal Style

Also, I've always wanted to make a shirt or poster or something that says 88STATIC and has pictures of what we'll all look like 60 years from now.