Ordered and stoked!

Cool, this is why I'm here. To find other musicians in my area. I'll be bugging Jared and anybody else I can find when I setup future shows. I co-own a theater here in Houston that would be perfect for chip shows.

I'd love to get some people together for some shows there. I guess I should post that.
Pixy- I'd be psyched to play an event in Dallas/FW, keep me in mind. With some warning, I could bring my backup dancers.

It's a benefit show, and I'm sure the show promoter would love to have Sievert perform. It's an all day event. Also, if you'd ever like to do a show together, let me know. That goes for all you Texans in my area. I've done several non-scene shows, but it'd be great to share a stage with like minds.

What happens to Jared a lot?

http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2011/ … es-brandy/


Um, can you be more specific, Sievert?

Good job.  Sony Vegas makes compositing/masking a cinch, but Resolume can do this kind of stuff just as well live. Look forward to seeing more.

Sunday, March 27 ยท 12:00pm - 8:00pm   All Ages

Caroline Collective
4820 Caroline St
Houston, TX

In the wake of the crisis in Japan, we are putting on a special Caroline Session to help those affected by the crisis.

We will be donating all proceeds to the Red Cross!

If you want to help with event as an artists, food supporter, drink supporter, just let us know

Full details will be up by the end of the week!

As of 3/16

August 83
Benjamin Wesley
Chip Tune Crooner
Corey Power
Donnie Sands
Ernie Trevino Band
File Under Jeff
La Sien
Melisa Savcic
Myrna Sanders
Reckless Endeavor
Sara Van Buskirk
Tiziano Hernandez


Thanks 20K Group!

Get your phones out! 20K Group (www.20kgroup.com) will donate $1 for each tweet with the #CS4Japan hashtag (up to $1,000 and through March 28, 2011

Thanks St Arnold!

We're happy to report that Saint Arnold's will be sponsoring this event! Local beer for local music! We'll have food on the grill so come on out! They're delicious! "LIKE" them at http://www.facebook.com/saintarnold


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php … p;comments

The Chip Tune Crooner and his 8-Bit Orchestra play classic pop songs backed by the dancing Croonettes and 8-bit visuals.
Incredibly goofy. But of the 6 non-chip related shows the Crooner has played so far, the response has been very positive.
I'm looking for visualists and Houston-based musicians interested in collaborating.

Will travel. For booking info, goto:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chip-Tune … 29?sk=wall

Synthtopia gave a nice write-up!
http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2011/ … es-brandy/