Hi, I'm the author of ems-flasher. There's a good tutorial on getting the software working on Mac here: http://chainsaw.musho.org/stuff/ems-on-mac/


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

egr wrote:

Is the Linux version of this "finalized" and bug free?

I'm reluctant to call it bug-free, but it's been in use for years without any major issues (as far as I know).


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

12ianma wrote:

When you play one of the pokemons through the emulator, is it buggy? Like does the game snag and such...

When you boot Pokemon Stadium it loads the entire GB SRAM into N64 RDRAM. It verifies the checksum embedded in the SRAM and gives you this error if it's bad: http://lacklustre.net/n64/tpak_ffff.png (screenshot is from emulator).

When you play the game, it loads a subset of the ROM from the pak and loads the rest of the game from the N64 cart. Presumably it has internal checksums for what it expects from the pak.

To answer your question: you'll never get buggy game boy play on the 64, it will just refuse to run.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

12ianma wrote:

Also I feel as if it would be more reliable because you know the size of ram and flash, it's not variable like the game carts. It's the same size every time

The physical communication is unreliable. Sometimes the Transfer Pak wigs out and you get no data, sometimes you all 00 or FF, and sometimes you get random bitflips.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey guys, I'm the author of agbd.

It's theoretically possible to flash a cart using the Transfer Pak, but it's a pretty bad idea.

The damn thing is totally unreliable: I get a good dump only about 2/3 of the time. That's the main reason I haven't implemented SRAM writes yet. ROM writes have an even higher chance of going bad (one bad bankswitch == fail).

I can take a look at implementing it, but I don't have any hardware to test with. What cart(s) would this work with?

zerolanding: never got your email, what address did you use?


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Chainsaw Police wrote:


open a terminal,
cd to the directory with the ems-flasher executable
sudo cp ems-flasher /usr/bin

now you can run the EMS Flasher just by running 'ems-flasher <args>' from any terminal, instead of cding to the proper directory and running './ems-flasher <args>'

D'oh! Can't believe I forgot an install target in the Makefile. I just pushed a fix into git, and it will be in the next tarball.

If you pull from git, after you make you can now sudo make install


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mac OS 10.6 binary for 0.03 posted. Send your love to hyarion!
[edit: clarify version]


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Good news! Thanks to the valiant efforts of David Wendt JR. there is now support for SRAM reading and writing, as well as a host of other nice features.

Get the full details and the source at the EMS flasher site.

Mac OS X binaries forthcoming!


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

Is there a Mac OS X version of this program? If not, I'd love the source so I could port it.

As mrhmouse notes I've posted a Mac OS X binary (command line only, for now).

In any case the software is open source, so you can get a source tarball at the site or access the git repo directly.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

A binary for Mac OS 10.6 has been posted. Please try it out and let me know if you run into any trouble!


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've released EMS flasher 0.02, which has a bunch of improved features. Grab the source

This is the first release to officially support Mac OS X. Mac OS 10.6 binaries should be posted within 24 hours.

  • improved command line options

  • ability to dump ROM from cart

  • read title from ROM on cart

  • very early stages of libems

The next major release will feature save RAM dumping/writing as well. I'm also quickly moving in the direction of being able to write a GUI.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

PlainFlavored wrote:

lots of really good suggestions

Yeahhhh I'm normally a freak about clean code but I just wanted to get this out there since there seems to be so much demand.

In the coming weeks I expect to factor it into a proper API with a clean command line version (with arg parser, of course) and perhaps even a Qt GUI. Any Qt guys out there are more than welcome to volunteer smile

Analog wrote:

if you need the little program to translate to spanish i'll do it smile

When it gets time to create some po files I'll let you know!

Thanks for all the love guys heart


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey guys, sorry to perform thread necromancy. Just wanted to let you know that I wrote a very rudimentary EMS USB flasher for Linux.

It's waaaay alpha at the moment, but it'll do the trick if you just need to flash a ROM to the first bank. Currently under active development, so feel free to submit bug reports, suggestions, etc smile