(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

It's old but i lol'd

Keyboard Cat in M Cubed

George wrote:

OH SHI- where can I download this rom?

Any popular shock site

I love it!!

The title screen is fucking sick! Great job.


(73 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Shi- I think I know you.

Are you on pixeljoint?

If that's the case, I'd challenge Andrio to do the same thing.

:' V

No, you have 48

I'll do something with some real AAing one day, just for you tongue

Feel free to sue any of my artwork for it

I'm hoping it works. I think it's less than 16 colors, I didn't AA anything though. Sorry : (

The only part I am really proud of is the face. Everything else could be better.

Incoming challenge for an-cat-max:

Create a mock up of a fighting game with Stalin fighting Hitler. I request a title screen for the game and then a second screen with the two guys fighting. No other restrictions, but I'd prefer it if you kept your color count low.

Don't worry, I can take care of some AA, it ain't that bad tongue


(50 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


I wish AA had something in between their S and their M.

feels good man

The whole AA thing is going to be tough, I've never really had to do much as most of my stuff is angular, so I'll have to work on that tongue

I think delving into something like the works of iLKke would be fun here.

andrio wrote:

No one's said 'yes'.


You just did big_smile