Chipmusic was being written before there was a 'scene', and it'll carry on being written after this 'scene' has gone.  (let's be honest it's kind of died off here at least in the last year or so)   It's like the demoscene in that respect, somebody is going to be writing stuff because they HAVE to write stuff regardless of there being an audience.

The 'video game reference' problem.  Well, it's 2015 and I still see a lot of chip gig flyers with Street Fighter characters on, or gameboys, or pixel fonts so... well...  if we stop doing it ourselves that'll probably help at least.  Chipmusic isn't some weird thing with it's own rules, you can play it on your stereo now instead of some esoteric old hardware.  At that point it's music like any other music. You wouldn't have a metal gig poster with a picture of a guitar on it, give your audience some credit.  Just write music, stop saying how you write it, and what with, at least it's better than hiding behind (for want of a better word) a 'gimmick'.  You know what's good?  Seeing a music playlist full of lots of bands (including chipmusic) , much better than seeing a separate playlist for chipmusic at least.  At least for 'pure' chipmusic that should really be the goal personally.

You might have seen this kickstarter already but he's just added transparent and original beige cases to the colour selection.


note : I have no connection to this kickstarter, I do know a few people who have pitched in for cases though.


(18 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If you've used another tracker (like Protracker / Famitracker) the composition side should be fairly easy to get into.  I can understand people getting a bit confused with the table side, personally I prefer the 1.x series of GoatTracker though 2.x is a lot more flexible.   With 1.x you have waveforms/pitch/arpeggio within the same table structure which makes things more readable.

Failing that I'd recommend John Player as another tracker with a familiar interface, though that only runs on the machine itself.

Ice Wolf : which version are you using?  there was a keycode fix in 2.71 though it doesn't say what it fixed.   For some tools I've had to change Windows to a different keyset (eg: in FastTracker2 under Dosbox I'm using a US keyboard to get the ALT Gr key to work) though I wouldn't think that'll help in this case.

Incidentally, Hermit's 2SID Mezzoforte cover in it.

Well there are at least 70 songs in the HVSC written with it, so someone's using it.   Anyway c64 stuff in general in the chip scene has always been a small userbase, not to mention that underpowered MSSIAH thingy is inexplicably popular.


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Hang on, how are you recording it?  You have to have Record & Play buttons running in Milkytracker to have the track run, not just the Rec button  Otherwise how would it know where the rests are in the melody?

Thanks, just downloaded it.  Amusingly I can see the I/O registers updating real-time but can't seem to save a log for those.  It has source though so that's worth a look, cheers.

Thanks, I have the register specs I'm looking for an emulator(s) to log them while running.

Had a quick wander through a few GB/NES emulators this morning. Has anyone managed to get a sound register log out of any of the existing emulators?  (just a basic address/data trace while code is running)    I was going to have a peek through MESS but if anyone has already done this let us know, cheers.   Got a couple of sound register streaming ideas.

BeatScribe wrote:

I hate using the mouse for making MIDI which is what most DAWs force you to do; put little squares on lines.

Change the view to 'event list', most DAWs have that.

incidentally c64 gives you more possibilities for this stuff, listen to the filtered thunder or ring-mod/triangle wails in this.

I'm not sure trackers have much to do with it, we had trackers in the '80s.  It comes down to how much people can be bothered to play around with instruments  (see the ton of Future Composer or Sound Monitor tracks with the same arps), or diverge from the standard "hard-restart" stuff that was popular in the late '90s.   As with real music you do get a 'glut' of similar tracks for a couple of years. (if there was a popular demo in one style you'll find a lot of music in that style too.  See the Drax/Dane clones when Krestology arrived or all the tech tracks when the Polish scene was knocking out demos)  But there were plenty of people doing wild stuff in that era.  Mid-'90s was when the c64 demoscene started kicking back into gear again when the OCS Amiga stuff was fading out.

Off the top of my head, looking at that era if you want really varied sounds go listen to Ed, BluesMuz/Kjell Nordbo, PVCF.

Speaking of editors, each has it's own weird quirks and trying to do the same instruments in two different editors can yield wildly different results.  When trackers moved mostly to table-based instruments it got a bit easier to do identical sounds, but there are still differences because the SID is a quirky piece of kit.   Which order registers are triggered in, how fixed notes or portamento is implemented and so on.   If you're really bored run SIDid on the HVSC and see what editors were popular.  I tried it a while back and got this:

Detected players:
128bytes_Tiny            1
256bytes_Tiny            10
20CC                     224
8bitDigi/THCM            13
Alexander_Kirsch         3
ALiH                     5
A-Man/5_Dimension        37
Adam_Gilmore             46
AMP                      218
Andrew_Colin             3
Andrew_Rodger            18
Android                  14
Anthony_Crowther         13
Anthony_Lees             8
Anvil                    20
Ariston                  33
Arne/AFL                 48
Artlace                  17
Artline_Design           46
Ash&Dave_Digi            3
Ashley_Hogg              14
Asterion_V1.x            63
ATMDS_1.x                5
ATMDS_3.x                12
Audial_Arts              95
Audial_Arts/Cody         5
Audial_Revolution        3
Bappalander/Spacelab1    5
Barry_Leitch             25
Basic_program            279
Ben_Daglish              120
Ben_Daglish/WEMUSIC      10
Ben_Daglish_2            2
Berkeley                 2
Bob_Landwehr             8
Bubble_Bus               3
Bug/NCI                  5
Bug/NCI_Digi             14
Burgstaller_B            16
Pretzel/Soundscape       3
Cadaver_Musicdriver_7    2
Cadaver_Musicdriver_10   2
Censor_Digi_1            8
Censor_Digi_2            6
Charles_Callet           2
CheeseCutter_2.x         3
Chris_Cox                17
Chris_Grigg              8
Chris_Huelsbeck          11
Chris_Walsh              2
ChristopherJam           5
Chubrocker_V3.x          100
Colin_Davies             4
Colin_Porch              2
Colleen                  4
Comer/Digi               4
Comer/NMI_Sample_5       29
Comer/Sample_Studio      17
CRD_Tracker              3
CRL/Jay_Derrett          24
Cyberbrain_Digi          6
Cyberlogic_SoundStudio   121
CyberTracker             120
CyberTracker_exe         113
Cycleburner_Digi         29
Dane                     16
Dave_Kelly               6
Dave_Lee                 8
Dave_Lowe                13
Dave_Warhol              12
David_Dunn               40
David_Green              7
David_Thielat/Epyx       7
David_Whittaker          114
Deadbeat_Digi            4
Dick_Van_Riemsdijk       64
Digital_Systems          3
Digitalizer_V3.0         84
Digitalizer_V2.x         670
DMC_Vx.x                 7599
DMC_V5.x                 2118
DMC_V6.x                 10
DreamComposer/Tendance   3
DrumEditor               5
Dutch-USA_Team/ProDrum   7
Dutch-USA_Team/MC        3
Dutch-USA_Team/86        2
E_Determann              2
Ed/Wrath                 64
Ed/Wrath_Digi            2
Ed_Bogas_V1              4
Ed_Bogas_V2              7
Electro_Sound            230
Electronic_Speech_Sys    20
Element114Studio_1.0     16
Element114Studio_1.2     6
Element114Studio_2.0     15
EMS_V7.03                133
EMS/Odie                 42
Odie/Cosine              5
ElectronicArts           4
Entropy_Editor           2
Equalizer                39
FAME                     49
Faith_Sample_Mixer       10
Flash_Inc_V2.0           4
Flash_Inc_V3.0           10
Flash_Inc_V4.0           27
Frank_Hammer/Sharon      27
Frank_Tout_V1            5
Frank_Tout_V2            2
Fred_Gray                52
GalBard/ATOO             15
Games_Creator            14
Gavin_Raeburn            10
Gavin_Graham             4
Geir_Tjelta/SIDSys_1.0   40
Geir_Tjelta/SIDSys18.4   31
Geir_Tjelta/SIDSys18.6   43
Geir_Tjelta/SIDDuzz'It   718
Geir_Tjelta_digi_1       3
Geir_Tjelta_digi_2       2
GeniusComposer           34
Georg_Brandt             12
Ghost/SampleMon          8
Gilles_Soulet            4
Glover                   13
Golem                    4
GMC/Superiors            414
GMC_V2.0/Superiors       3
GoatTracker_V1.x         1302
GoatTracker_V2.x         1764
Goto80/DefMon            27
Graffity/Grabowsky       8
GRG                      11
GRG_tiny                 9
GRG_tiny2                9
Griff/Chromance          44
Groo/Psygon              4
Groovy_Bits              69
Guy_Shavitt              79
Hans_Siemons             7
Harald_Rosenfeldt        10
HardTrack_Composer       1147
Heathcliff/DigitalArts   53
Henrik_Jensen            19
Hermit                   2
Hermit/SidWizard_V1      58
HCL/BoozeDesign          5
Holger_Gehrmann          7
HouseDesign              5
ICC/TheVoice             8
ID_3.x                   6
Ivan_Del_Duca            7
Jason_Briggs             5
Jason_Brooke             21
Jason_Page               8
Jason_Page/Jay           3
JCH_DigiPlayer           3
JCH_NewPlayer            3370
JCH_NewPlayer_V21        224
JCH_Protracker           91
Jeff                     180
Jeff/BullSID             3
Jeremy_Hall              3
Jeroen_Kimmel            32
Jeroen_Koops             20
JFK_Digi                 10
Jim_Baguley/SolarSoft    3
Jim_Cuomo                4
JITT_1.x                 3
John_Hancock             3
John_Player              162
KB/TOM                   5
Keith_Wood               4
KingFisher_Digi          4
Kosa_Protracker_V1       10
Kosa_Protracker_V2       3
Kris_Hatlelid            9
Kyle_Johnson             3
Lars_Haard               4
LFT                      13
Loadstar_SongSmith       16
LordsOfSonics/MS         459
Madhacker_Digi           3
Maduplec                 26
Marco_Scheepers          5
Mario_Kriwanek           5
Mark_Clements            12
Mark_Cooksey             37
Mark_Cooksey/Neil_Bate   5
Mark_Tait                28
Mark_Wilson              45
Martijn_Schutten         8
Martin_Galway            50
Martin_Galway_Digi       3
Martin_Walker            16
Martin_Wheeler           2
Master_Composer          569
Mat/MDA                  7
Symphonica/MDA           2
Mat/MDA_digi             11
Matt_Furniss             6
Matt_Gray                34
Matthias_Weber           7
Mcee_digi                6
Megastyle                3
Michael_Delaney          14
Michael_Winterberg       91
Microtracker             2
Micropearl/Fitzpatrick   18
Mike/LSD                 27
MiniMusic/Gentlemen      9
Mixer                    7
MoN/Bjerregaard          117
MoN/Deenen               113
MoN/FutureComposer       3352
(MoN/Deenen_Digi)        1
Music_Assembler          5621
Music_Works              3
MusicShop                88
Neil_Baldwin             11
Neil_Brennan             28
Neil_Crossley            6
Network                  6
Nick_Jones               3
Nigel_Grieve             7
NinjaTracker_V1.x        17
NinjaTracker_V2.x        18
NordicBeat_Editor        37
OdinTracker              148
Oeyvind_Jergan           8
Olav_Moerkrid            32
OmegaSupreme_digi        9
Oliver_Buettner          2
Oliver_Kirwa             3
Oliver_Klaewer           9
Ozzy_Oldschool_V1        7
Ozzy_Oldschool_V2        4
Paradroid/Lameplayer     21
Patrick_Payne            2
Paul_Butler              8
Paul_Hughes              40
Paul_Norman/Cosmi        10
Peter_Liepa              2
Peter_Thierolf           2
PollyTracker             62
Power_Music              33
Prophet64                4
Mssiah                   7
Prosonix                 98
PVL/Rhythmic_Lunatics    33
Rabbi                    14
Rabbi/Playstar_V2.0      1
Radarsoft                18
Randy_Glover             2
Rastelin/Bones           3
Reflextracker            133
Reiter_Digi              8
Richard_Joseph           9
RiffQuick                12
Rob_Hubbard              269
(Rob_Hubbard_Digi)       1
Roel_Bosch               20
Roland_Hermans           53
Rolf/Shape               7
RoMuzak_V6.x             484
RoMuzak_V7.x             20
Rule3_Digi_2             2
Russel_Lieblich          11
Ryo_Kawasaki             25
SadoTracker              21
Sanyo_digi               4
Shaun_Southern           5
SidFactory/Laxity        22
Sidplayer64              18
SidWinder                99
SkylineTech/Badger       27
SkylineTech/Boogaloo     13
Slaygon                  20
SoedeSoft                822
SoftwareAutomaticMouth   4
Soft_Tune_Composer       1
Song_Writer              7
Sonic_Graffiti           30
Sosperec                 80
Soundbooster             34
SounDemon                7
SoundMaker_V3/UA         22
SoundMaker_V4/Arne       44
SoundMonitor             2746
SoundWriter_2.0          8
Sound-Tracker_64         16
Stephan/Bytemare         20
Magic_Man/Crazy          3
Stephen_Biggs            7
Stephen_Legg             6
Stephen_Ruddy            35
Steve_Bak                5
Steve_Barret             25
Steve_Day_Digi           2
Steve_Rowlands           12
Steve_Turner             7
Steven_Baumrucker        3
Stuart_Taylor            11
SynC                     89
System6581               63
Tamas_Revbiro            2
TBB/SideB                47
TFMX                     20
TFMX/MasterComposer      5
TFMX/TimeComposer        12
TFX                      230
TIC/Artworx              3
TheTracker/Hitmen        1
Toaster_Digi             12
Tom_Snyder               3
Tonal_Kaos               7
Toni_Luode               29
Torpex                   3
TrackPlayer_V3.0         22
Trident/Active           58
Tim_Gibson               2
Tiny/Sound_Images        19
Twynn                    5
Ubik's_Music             256
Ultimate                 5
US_Gold/Novaload         14
Uzzy/Entropy             13
Van_Styer_Digi           6
Vibrants/Laxity          194
Vibrants/JO              109
Volker_Struebing         17
Wally_Beben/Ariston      38
Walt/Bonzai              99
Walt_Digi_1              6
Walt_Digi_2              5
WizPlayer_1.0            1
WizPlayer_2.0            4
Wyndex/ISEQ              3
Wyndex/Blahtune          10
Yip_Megasound            72
Zardax/SoundKiller       40
Zardax                   67
Zod_Digi                 4
Zyborg                   9
?Unknown_1               8
?Unknown_2               3
?Unknown_3               2
?Unknown_Kane            2
?Jim_Andron              2
?Bob_Vieira/Epyx         9
?Summergames/Epyx        1
?Epyx_3                  6
?Infogrames              3
?Edge                    2
?Howard_Boles            8
?Unknown_digi_1          2
?Unknown_digi_2          2
?ArgusPress              3
?MSB                     8
?Alligata/Quicksilva     8
?Lieblich&Evans          3
?Source                  2
?Paul_Hodgson            8
?US_Gold_90              2
?Russel_Lieblich_2       3
?Jim_Simmons/Capcom      7
?1001                    2
?Dataapan                2
?Tork/Pulsar             2
?Song9                   20
?Hoernell/Players        9
?CBS                     3
?Lieblich&Grigg          3
?Macsen                  2
Digi-Organizer           28


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

fuck that's an out of the ark old track by me, but thanks!

Well it has an AY chip in but probably best to ask Factor6 or somebody like that. I've always done AY stuff on PC because I'm not keen on the GUIs in the native tools I've tried, and the emulation isn't really far off these days.  One thing I will say though is download a Spectrum emulator to try some things out, not necessarily for trying out the tools but just how a Spectrum works in general.  ZXSpin, for example, is a good one for trying out all the hardware configs and has a tape browser built-in.  Though most emulators support all available hardware.

There were disc drives as well, and microdrives.  these days a lot of people have a divide or similar.  (or use an app to play tape files into their spectrums via the headphone jack, there are a few of those)  btw you do know there are various types of Spectrum yeah?  (48k (no AY without interface), 128k, +2, +3, various clones)

Are you talking about AY or Beeper music?  I don't know how many trackers actually support tapes, the ones I tried out were all disk back in the day.  The old Soundtracker (for AY) at least works, and something like 'Wham The Music Box'. (for Beeper)  Either way they're very old, probably Factor6 or somebody would know newer ones.  On PC I'd recommend Vortex Tracker.