It'd probably be difficult to get it grittier because the Vic has a couple of extra quirks that would be hard to simulate, namely:

1) Distortion caused by capacity overload of the sound space when the volume is > 10.  (Might even be an incorrect DC offset, dunno)  You could do something with the 6581 filters maybe, but it would probably be too muffled.
2) The noise generator's 'resonance' overtone, you'd need a much wider resolution of samples than the 8 levels in this emulator.   (Amusingly the arcade machine Gorf has a similar sounding noise channel)

Also it's a frame-based emulator so Viznut's Waves and digis are out.

Vic-20 soundchip emulator by Aleksi Eeben.  Featuring music by Aleksi, Britelite, Viznut, Mermaid and myself.   Also contains some historical documents. smile


Noplanet wrote:

can't wait to try this! Does SFX mean samples to? cuz that would be amazing to include. I know some trackers have managed a 4th channel of samples with the 8580 SIDs, and that'd make this the end all be all for SID trackers for me to learn. Too bad I can't stick this on my MSSIAH cart and just use that midi port.

they're now up to 4 channels of samples + 2 SID channels:

Sid Wizard 1.6:


HerMIDI 1.0b


This SID-Wizard version is mainly an improvement over version 1.5.
The most important addons:
-Many improvements/fixes upon SW-1.5
-Better cursor-movement between panels
-New MIDI-messages:Start/Stop/Reset/etc.
-Better MIDI-handling ('running status')
-SWM to SWS conversion in SWMconvert
-Positions not lost after save/load

'pay what you want' does seem like the best choice for artists.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You should probably ask Saga Musix on about that.

tbh if you're looking to sync it against something I still think it'd be better to use OpenMPT's true BPM setting, .MOD files are even more inaccurate on their frame playback than XM or ITs are iirc.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

why don't you load it into OpenMPT, change the song properties to true BPM and export from there?  Then you have a synced XM.   Unless you have some time critical sample offsets in the XM it should be pretty much the same.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

well, yeah boomlinde just said that.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OpenMPT has a true bpm mode that is exact, see here.  But it only works on it's own file format.

wasn't 8-bit bonanza an artist on 8bitcollective?


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(4 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

dunno about Mac but you can fullscreen it on windows with the -X command parameter (-X1 is fullscreen I think)


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

that's some swell swell bagatelle

Congrats guys!


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

i wish i was dead


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there have been chipmusic artists in the uk for 30+ years.