emulators.  most people use them for development these days as it is.


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

ant1: haha smile


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

In the spirit of this thread I've just uploaded a bunch of my old demoscene source here.  There's stuff from Ate Bit, Cosine and Orb on the Commodore 64, C16/Plus4 and Vic-20.  All PAL apart from the vic game.

iLKke wrote:

What? You like the picture?

I like the tech behind the picture.

by Deekay/Crest


(7 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Was intrigued to find out how this is done so here's a little bit of code.  I'm not sure you'll get perfect playback (due to the slight adsr changes when setting registers in a different order) but it at least gives you the data for single vblank songs.

; init your song driver wherever it is, usually $1000
jsr $1000 


; wait for raster
lda $d012
cmp #$fe
bne raster

; set $d000 area to ram so sid data can be read

lda #$34
sta $01

; call a vblank of your song. (usually $1003)

jsr $1003

; grab the registers and store them somewhere, in this case $9000
; and bung them on screen so we can see the raw data.

ldy #$00
lda $d400,y
sta $9000,y
sta $0400,y
cpy #$20
bne registers

; set sid back to usual so we can write to it.

lda #$35
sta $01

; write registers back to the sid chip, doing that backwards seems to give more accurate playback.

ldy #$1f
lda $9000,y
sta $d400,y
bpl registers2

jmp loop


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Fabulous stuff, I miss Pas Maters. sad

I suppose Wallflower and Glitchshifter and generative.  Both use timers with math functions to create the music, Glitchshifter uses it to generate the waveforms too.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

1. Oblique 07:05
2. Tetra 04:17
3. Impasse 04:08
4. Spun Gold 02:47
5. Origins 02:20
6. Ruling / Broken Wave 02:58
7. A M I G A 02:53
8. Voicemail 00:48
9. Endless 03:24
10. Strobelights / Origins (reprise) 05:54

Released 30 April 2012
All music composed by 4mat.
Vocals on "Voicemail" and "Strobelights" by George Ashdown.



(66 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

actually if you want pure (not sequenced) liveplay then retroskoi is worth a look.  I might as well post this here as it's not that well known.


(66 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

c64 scene tools and lsdj cater to two very different markets though.  c64 trackers are usually written by demosceners for demosceners, hence there's really no need for a lot of live interaction when the music is only ever going to be played in sequence.   you either work around that limitation or write a new one I'm afraid.


(66 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You can update the pattern list in realtime in a few of the existing ones, if that's what you mean. (johnplayer and SDI for example, Goattracker can do that too)


(189 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chipmusic is dead anyway.

quit chipmusic again


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Je Mappelle wrote:

wow i have been sat here for a while listening/watching these now.

they are really cool, wish i could understand them a bit more.

this is probably as close as demoscene gets to a 'reformat the planet' sort of primer. switch on the subtitles.