tbh I'd say try out Arkos Tracker or Vortex to get familiar with the AY first without hardware.   I seem to remember the Spectrum trackers are sometimes a bit difficult to get to grips with.  (odd keyboard layouts, only saving to certain hardware etc.)


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

seems like this is the new place to hang out.

I just stumbled across this page which has pictures of each tool sorted into categories.  It also covers sample sequencers and other things.

wedanced wrote:

u guys want to post some demos of what this sounds like.

The Amstrad has the same sound chip as a Spectrum 128k or Atari ST and can do the same tricks those machines can from drivers.   However only the basic pure tone and noise waveforms are used here, no digi tracks, just envelope and driver playback emulation.  A few songs seem to change speed occasionally (like Green Beret) but it's quite impressive nonetheless.  I'm intrigued what's going on under the bonnet (as you can use SID files without any conversion) if it's doing cpu emulation or a pre-process or what.  Unfortunately the forum it came from is in Hungarian and even with google translate I can't find the post by the author.

If you use the Winape emulator you can copy/paste sid files onto the disk image and try it.

Kribust wrote some great stuff for Offence lately.  Also the Prosonix folder has some more from their demos and the old Panoramic Designs ones.  (that group is worth checking for avant-garde c64 demos)

incidently, anyone wanting a huge amount of Amstrad music to listen to might enjoy this.

Note pitches and envelopes through the AY, not waveforms. (afaict)  Still not bad at all.   Having had a go at playing AY tracks on the SID there are certain things that chip can do that SID can't do accurately.

Forum link

post anywhere but chipmusic forums/news sites/channels

(actually that was probably a bit harsh)

don't call it chipmusic

some triebkraft/4d:

and gasman:


and GOA 4K!!!!!

Dave Warhol
Deadman (arps yes, but interesting arps)
Aleksi Eeben
Tony Gibson
Fred Gray
Russel Lieblich

David Dunn, Paul Norman , Kjell Nordbo's "Ghost Escapes Body" , Zyron


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I haven't seen one with him for years, so that's a nice surprise.


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)


akira^8GB wrote:

I guess nobody likes the real machine trackers anymore. I still want to get it on with SDI.

It's more the faffing around with disk drives that makes me recommend GT to beginners.  Seeing as most tools just give you a system channel to do maintenance in you can't even do a directory listing easily.   If we were going hardware I'd probably say JohnPlayer is an easy one to pick up.