It's got some issues (too little art visible on the front page. No way to link directly to someone's gallery. Hall of Fame apparently being based on total rating scores, as there are so many pieces in there that aren't particularly good, just really old) but overall it's a really nice site for showing your work and finding great pixel art.
Pretty good community too.

Some demosceners apparently got scared away because of the strict/strange definition of pixel art they used to have.

And of course Pixelation is better for learning.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Most (probably all) raster image editors will let you scale up an image with nearest neighbour to multiples of 100% with ease.

It should be about the most trivial thing to do.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)



(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

In that case: the problem with including something like that in a definition of pixel art is that it really becomes 100% subjective, and thus not very useful.
For example:
Of these two images, a "layman" would probably sooner call the second one pixel art, while everyone on this forum would say the first.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

What do you mean by "the pixel art style" and "the qualities of pixel art"?

On dithering: this entire thread is a pretty good read, but this post particularly covers dithering.

I try to keep dithering to a minimum, myself. To avoid noisiness.
Try to focus on getting clean shapes down first and dither as needed as a final step.

And eh, here's an example of my dithering I guess.

(mostly copied from the 8bc post)

LabChirp is a tool for making sound effects.
It's quite capable and you can create all kinds of different sounds with it, but the reason I'm posting it here is that it's particularly useful for making samples for tracker instruments (drums, strings, brass, flutes, pretty much anything).

Download here. Hope you'll find it useful! is perhaps appropriate. It's a tool that rotates pixel art with a very clean result.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Introductory post I guess.
I made these

(not the music for them though)
And some other crap.

Hello everyone!