(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The Arduinoboy source code has a boolean for setting it to "usbmode" ... usb mode is the same as midi mode, except the baud rate is set to 38400 as oppose to 31250. you can then use any program or whatever on the computer to communicate with the gameboy via usb. (max,processing,etc,etc)

As I stated I use it to roll off low end before compression. nothing really fancy, its just removing elements that would alter the compression settings.

akira^8GB wrote:

A generic effect chain forme is:
EQ (always first) -> Bit crusher -> Delay -> Filter

NO! Filters sometimes sound cool pre bit crush. wink Just like using distortion after a filter. It depends on the effect you want to achieve of course.

Lazerbeat wrote:

I assume EQ would be counted as a filter?

Yes. I guess you'd call a EQ a filter when its extreme or changing over time.

Lazerbeat wrote:

what happens when you have something like a punchy kick drum with a bith of EQ/compression/reverb then you want to EQ the whole mix? is it ok to have multiple EQ stages?

Yes. I think if you want things to behave as expected when using a compressor its good to roll off inaudible frequencies (usually the low-lows) so that those frequencies dont screw with the dynamics & settings of your compressor. What frequencies to roll off is generally very hands on, but usually you want to kill anything below 20hz, and soften things around ~50 to ~110hz depending on the amount of bass in the source, and the amount you want to pass though.

Ultra generic setting to visualize: (this might be too extreme or the wrong hz, its really up to you to tune it in correctly)

Generally my chan looks like this:
[source]->[crazy effects or nothing]->[eq if needed]->[compressor if needed]->[track volume & reverb send & delay/chorus send]

[master bus]->[eq]->[effects if needed]->[compressor/limit]->[profit]
* master bus chain disabled when mixing tracks, its only for mastering*

I almost always use a separate fx send for reverb and another for chorus, I dont mix them both together. that way all other tracks in the project can have the same "room/hall/whatever" sound because its shared.  You can do this in Renoise using that "Send" plugin. Also if I mix reverb and chorus/delay things tend to get too muddy and lost.


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Thanks for derailing the thread guys. THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

bryface wrote:

sweet this is the picture i was looking for, Bit Shifter crooning "The Way You Look Tonight" to the winner of the 2011 Annual Blipfest beauty pageant.

"Who wants to be the lucky lady tonight? Bidding starts at 500 yen... Do I hear 500?"


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Dave's the guy on the left just FYI

Edited photo for another. Guys let me know if you have any suggestions. smile


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

oh shit that one is better than the one i found of yours


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

should i use one of these instead? http://www.flickr.com/photos/kharma5039 … 272825581/


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Thanks for the choice photo Tim!

Nothing personal I was trying to find the worst photo of Dave.


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

dosPrompt wrote:

What about Manabn?



(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Zen Albatross wrote:

Insane. Love that so much quality video got caught this year.

Could not agree more. Yay it's the future!


(57 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Blip Festival Tokyo 2011 Aggregated Videos for the Lazies...

(In order of appearance)

Day 1 (10/22 Satuday)

›  Xinon ... Visuals: Notendo

›  Kplecraft ... Visuals: NO CARRIER

›  Bitshifter ... Visuals: M7 Kenji

›  Notendo ... Visuals: Notendo

›  Hizmi ... Visuals: The C-men

›  Manabn ... Visuals: NO CARRIER

›  Role Model ... Visuals: The C-men

›  Nordloef ... Visuals: M7 Kenji

Day 2 (10/22 Sunday)

›  Cheapshot ... Visuals: NO CARRIER

›  cTrix ... Visuals: The C-men

›  Nullsleep ... Visuals: M7 Kenji

›  Omodaka ... Visuals: The C-men

›  Anamanaguchi ... Visuals: Notendo

›  Sexy Synthesizer ... Visuals: M7 Kenji

›  Minikomi ... Visuals: NO CARRIER

›  Je Jeviens DJ en 3 Jour ... Visuals: Notendo

›  Trash80 ... Visuals: M7 Kenji

Thanks goes out to the people who donated their time and effort in creating these videos and to all the artists who performed and allowed such questionably legal activity.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Analog wrote:

5. A.M.U - diamond
4. A.M.U - diamond
3. A.M.U - diamond
2. A.M.U - diamond
1. A.M.U - diamond

This. Though I'd probably fit 4mat decades in there somewhere.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Starting again in 18 hours.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NP: Nordloef
Visuals - m7kenji


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

NP: Role Model
Visuals - The C-men