(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bleo wrote:

Possible bug: I had a new PM this morning and the notification bubble was coming out of the profile button. Clicking it too me directly to the message tho.

Yeah you're right since the recent posts tab is back. The notifier needs to be pushed over more.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TraceKaiser wrote:

Also, I just realised that it now no longer tells you what the most recent post in any given forum is anymore. I used that a LOT, and it's a staple feature on every forum I've ever been on - I'd guess for a reason. It would be nice to have that again :c

It's still there.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

not tryin to hate on the work you guys did, but i gotta echo that this is way too busy..and i agree that a 'forums' tab that people could bookmark to cut down on all the stuff would help. imagine how a dude on an eee whos just loggin on to check out the forums is gonna feel

Well since the home page is more squishable horizontally than say, the recent posts page or other areas of the site... they should feel fine. 

There is not much data on the page. I think it's a simple case of people used to the plain home page with just the category and subform listing. There is technically less data on our home page than most other forums online.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

New update. A quick player preview thanks to some "user" suggestions. Check it out and hate on it.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

so this means people hate my songs, huh? wink

Not necessarily.

e.s.c. wrote:

edit: small point, some reason my shit all runs together, name, to artist name to links.. i blame myself, somehow



(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Its a automated rating system that has no affiliation to popularity, rating from 0 to 9, also it's a fancy icon.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:

A couple of nitpicks:

It would be nice to have a "Forums" page that would essentially be what the old homepage was. I like the new homepage for a quick digest of things, but if I want to post a new topic seeing just the forum sections would be a bit more useful.

Also I noticed in the music section the PM button is different from in the forums, and I don't know if it was intentional, but I don't like it.

Also, I'm not sure if this would actually look good, but it might look just a bit cleaner to give the recent topics a bit less space, and the forum titles a bit more.

Fixed up. (you know you know)


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

irrlichtproject wrote:
trash80 wrote:

It would be completely pointless to support 800x600.

why not, if it can be achieved with an easy solution (ie use the blank space in the top right corner)?

And put who's online on the bottom of the page? every page? I dont like that idea. Nor do I like the idea of putting it on the bottom of only the front page. also the right side is used for login, I could put that on the center top of the home page, but I dont liek the idea of inconsistent layouts.

not to mention the number of people who use that resolution is tiny. and will be even smaller in a years time.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bryface wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Updates: recent posts is back (suckers)
added / made more usable the magical ratings set per item. (block of circles) based on a number of prerequisites and formula shitfilter magic. rating is 1 to 9 circles. pew pewpewpewww lazerz

i do like that it's easier to tell which tunes haven't been checked out as much.  The users could work together to "fill up the dots" for new tunes, at which point the artist that posted the song can't butthurt whine anymore about their tune not getting any eyeballs or feedback.

It's based on number of bookmarks and number of comments all weighted by number of unique views. it would be easy to fill the dots, until the # of unique views goes up, in which cause the score will go back down.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

someonesomewhere wrote:

Although I think it looks awkward when the recent posts don't stretch all the way to the bottom.

Yeah I agree. PEOPLE NEED TO POST MORE TOPICS. (or something)


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

irrlichtproject wrote:

at the moment cm.org only looks good if you have a widescreen. for small laptop screens the layout is too wide.

It would be completely pointless to support 800x600.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Updates: recent posts is back (suckers)
added / made more usable the magical ratings set per item. (block of circles) based on a number of prerequisites and formula shitfilter magic. rating is 1 to 9 circles. pew pewpewpewww lazerz


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

irrlichtproject wrote:

wow, new frontpage looks nice.

i've got a suggestion though to solve the wide screen issue. the log-in and search fields could be moved to the top right of the page, next to the header. the who's online tab could go to the bottom of the page, since it's not very important information. so the right side bar would not be needed anymore.

also it would look even prettier if the whole page could be centered rather than tied to the left.

What widescreen issue?


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:

Oh one other thing is that on my homepage the "New Posts" button gets slightly cut off at the bottom. Don't know if anyone else has this issue.

Yeah I saw that too, gonna fix it.

For those confused with the layout on the home page, I'm working on a pie chart.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

Everything too clumsy on the frontpage. I like one page with my recent topic so I can look and never click in any.

But really, I think it's too messed on the frontpage and the forum posts should get a different place.

Cant please everyone. you could always just bookmark http://chipmusic.org/forums/search/recent/

Will place it back in if the demand is there. Let's see how this plays out. smile


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

trash80 wrote:
bryface wrote:

AAH new layout

i like this.  i no longer have to launch a bigass wall of tabs for each forum category to see the latest posts.

any other cool changes on the way?


maybe i lied