(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Saskrotch -> Saskrotton
Natty -> Nappy
Nullsleep -> Fullsleep
BitShifter -> HipStiffer
Akira^8GB -> Alzheimer^8GB
cTrix -> senileTrix
CMen -> JustForCMen
sabrePulse -> noPulse
Henry Homesweet -> Henry Hemroids
ComputeHer -> RetiHerd - Herstory
8bitweapon -> abitwheezy
goto80 -> gotto80
Subway Sonicbeat -> Subway SeniorSeat
little-scale -> little-stroke
Anamanaguchi -> Anamedication - AnOldmanaguchi - Anaesthesiguchi
minusbaby -> minorbackpain
wedanced -> wefell - wheelchaired
10k -> Ten Thousand Forgetful Men & Their Fatigue
Derris-Kharlan -> Dementia-Kharlan
Celsius -> Cellulite
dotDummy -> dotDentures
AdamGetsAwesome -> AdamGetsArthritius
Heosphoros -> Hemorrhoidophoros
Lazerbeat -> geeserbeat
cheapshot -> hips-shot
animalstyle -> carlsaganstyle
A_Rival -> A_Revival
mr.spastic -> sr.spastic - mr.splastic
crashfaster -> rashcrafter
nitro2k01 -> ninty2k01
Disasterpeace -> Dentalpaste - Restinpeace
IAYD -> Is Alzheimers Your Dignoses?
exilefaker -> senilefaker
4mat -> 4mat heart
glomag -> glomag heart
bud melvin -> bud melvin heart

hahaha. SCIENCE!


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NeX wrote:

i disagree i think the SP can have amazing results with a pro sound mod depending on the model. japanese 101 models being the best

I've had different results. the 101 has more noise by default without modding. I probed the 101 as well and the noise seemed to come from the cpu's output so I couldnt get the noise to go away. I should look up what exactly you did and try again. you just hooked it up from the conveniently available pads on the pcb right?


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Ah! retarded.


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I still don't understand why you would encode something at 128 ?!!!!!!!


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

ant1 wrote:

we know its something with stereo imaging & the mp3 algorithm I would guess

does joint stereo/not-joint stereo make a difference smile

nope. which makes me think that feature isnt working in my app using lame


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

You might want to try to roll off the bass frequencies around 40-60hz (?) I've not heard the wav yet so i don't know (waiting "in line"), but you may get awkward results if there are some really low bass frequencies.

also 128 sucks, I think 192 is the bare minimum honestly.

After listening this is weird. I've tried roll off which of course did nothing, tried delaying left about 20ms which did nothing, getting rid of a channel fixed the issue, so we know its something with stereo imaging & the mp3 algorithm I would guess. Variable bit rate also solved the issue.

OMG I almost had a panic attack. the date is wrong in the title, it says 5.23 and the show is the 29th, fixing.

Hmm. Have you tried other midi devices? or other midi cables? The key is to isolate the issue. If you dont get lights blinking in the right mode on the arduinoboy (aka mGB mode with keyboard notes from midi channel 1, or slave mode with midi sync being sent from a host sequencer) then there is something wrong with the MIDI end and not the gameboy.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Its nice to be able to disable the screen on a dmg for better signal to noise and faster performance.
Thats the only thing I can think of

Also to help with lag issues and dropouts you can turn off the screen via hold Select and press A.

It will not only help with performance, but also decrease the line noise.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


There is a updated rom on the LSDJ site FYI. Don't need to contact me.

you've tried those adapters with the male and female end and female 1/8" out right? That's what I end up using at home for SP for this very reason.

Probably kinda hard to find now I guess. Also they are clunky of course.

Hey someone should put a camera on the audience at Pulsewave.

nkogliaz wrote:

What ISN"T there to like about ableton live?
