As long as they keep ads on their (my) page, they won't be making any money with my music.
Bandcamp for life, suckers. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. / Forums / Posts by Heosphoros
As long as they keep ads on their (my) page, they won't be making any money with my music.
Bandcamp for life, suckers.
Heosphoros pronounced it the correct, Canadian way. That there Tarantah, eh.
True Canadian Chip
Delete your myspace
Just grabbed mine! Cheers brothers of Ubiktune!
pixel by pixel in paint.
No, not really, my awesome girl Niina drew this and i pixeled it.
Ultimate love!
Whoa! This is awesome, man!
Good work!
Who did the art and coding (if you don't mind me asking)
Welp, here we go. An other level.
Heosphoros wrote:Someday.
>dat album title
>made by HeosphorosInstantly want.
If you are so inclined.
Heosphoros wrote:Want to play River City Ransom?!
Does it involve stripping down to underwear?
You know partying with me is the best, don't even lie. haha
Got mine today. Wow, it's nicely designed and built. Looking forward to seeing what can be done with it.
Want to play River City Ransom?!
What I want to know is can I play Retro City Ransom, 2 player, via internet?! / Forums / Posts by Heosphoros