Someone delete this fucking shit.
Stop cloging the Nintendo Console forum with non-related topics.
Fucking idiots. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. / Forums / Posts by Heosphoros
Someone delete this fucking shit.
Stop cloging the Nintendo Console forum with non-related topics.
Fucking idiots.
I should start spamming acounts.
Shut the fuck up
I'm in the office, wasting time before my show. I flip through this thread. I burst out in surpressed laughter multiple times. The host of the show keeps looking over at me and smiling. If I lose my job, I swear I'm moving to Australia to just fuck you guys up!
This thread = GOLD MINE
I can has Sim? lol
hey, bienvenu man! Amiga ca en crisse!
coke bit.
I've been composing chipmusic on coke for years! I was cool before cool was cool.
Oh I'm going to have fun with them
Fuck things people like, because I'm heosphoros, and i only like pain and misery,
If inflicted unto others, surely.
Original topic: rant about popular chipmusic
Offtopic: Pong/Johnny Cage
Offtopic 2: Linkin Park deffence force
What the fuck is wrong with you people? / Forums / Posts by Heosphoros