This is happening on MONDAY and it's FREE, I NEED TO SEE SOME EXCITEMENT PEOPLE!!!


So ridiculously fucking good.

You mean Falling to Pieces?

ba dum tishhhh

It's about goddamn motherfucking time! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! heart

Oh, and I've been unreasonably excited for this event for a long time. This might end up being my favorite 8static event yet, TIME SHALL TELL.

They don't have physical tickets, it's usually a pay at the door thing (unless this one is different). I'm sure you'll be fine, though I do expect quite the crowd for this one!


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:

he's got balls.

And such an original, unique train of thought too!


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

KODEK wrote:

HAHAH YOUR SHIT IZ PRETTY DOPE // im talking about crapage like this anoyying piece of dog fart >

/me quits chipmusic

Thank you!

Got one on eBay without a battery cover 'cause I misread the auction. Anyone here have one lying around? Hit me up via PM, e-mail, or reply to this thread to maybe work something out (yes, I'm willing to buy or trade for this item).

herr_prof wrote:

I think Nyko makes a tampon for that.

Fuck AdamGetsAwesome!

That lineup, can't beat it.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh holy shit, amazing

matt.nida wrote:

were the other guys, there was some great stuff in there.

In order: Chipocrite, Tony Ness, Da Pantz, Kris Keyser, Larus, and then you. Great stuff!