I think I have one etched board of my first design somewhere, though it's probably not very good as the first NESA board design was also my first attempt at home etching.
For my newest design, I had the board fabbed with DorkBot and moved most components to SMD. Here is a quick pick of it I threw up on my band's Facebook page.
Dorkbot does boards in groups of 3 so assuming I don't mess up too many times, I should have a spare or two. If you want it, you're welcome to one. Just pay shipping if you don't mind, assuming it's over a few bucks (such as if I need to ship international or something). I'll be out of town next week and I'd rather make sure the design works before giving it out so it may be a little while before I'll be able to ship it out, but otherwise let me know if you'd like one!
As far as the passive mixer, that would have been a really good idea! I think Kitsch mentioned that to me a while ago but for this round I was concentrated on saving space over adding features. A passive mixer wouldn't be very tricky, and in fact would be a pretty good use of the op-amp (to help boost the attenuated signals from the passive mix). I've added a note on my schematic to add that for the next revision, depending on how this new design works out.
P.S. Kitsch and I have been passing ideas back and forth about this design so he may or may not be working on one of his own, which will probably be pretty awesome so if you're not in any hurry, you might want to see what he comes up with!