You could go complicated and get a dpdt switch lol, that either completed the jumpers or the jump you create to the headphone socket (obviously not serious, but very possible). Seriously though I have noticed very little drop in volume, plus I can't stand a non-prosound turned up anyway. I recommend internal prosound like I did in my red boy. it works very well.

To clear up the question about internal and heaphones, with the internal version you do not need to remove the standard speaker as it shuts off when you Plug a line into the output, so headphones or a mixer, it shuts off the standard speaker. here's a picture of a prosound pocket board:
(also notice the removal of em2 and em3 jumpers, down near the jack)

I can has?

I'd like to buy some gameboy pockets. best would be ones that won't turn on etc but have a nice LCD. or if for some reason you have some lcds like I did, that would be great too. either way let me know


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, only the current song in lsdj, you can reload the other songs in your save though. It's very odd

Do you still have it in the trash? Or was this a while back, I'd pay at least shipping for it

What is wrong with your tansferer?


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Really need one badly. could also use a usb BB cart and use the NEX method of modding it to be a programmer aswell. Let me know what you have 12ianma(at)gmail(dot)com

Yeah they are good value too, but 8.50$ is too good to be true on the firelinker:) … -2901.html

I love mine, and I thought it was too good to be true. Not much memory to hold gba games, but it's a way to get lsdj on a Ds or gameboy micro with goomba gbc emulator. I have 20 or so NES roms loaded to the cart aswell as 20 gameboy games, and saving works quite well. The only problem is you need to download a different software as the one that comes with it is virus ridden and in another language. The tool "sp link" is a well designed simple interface.

Some pros are:
Great price
Fits flush with GBA (doesn't stick out)
Multiple rom support
Saving for multiple roms

Some cons:
Needs parallel port PC
Needs other software
Not a huge amount of memory

Ask me any questions about it and I will try to answer.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Check out this software from the page

The 4 mbit carts aren't that horrible to produce, buy some plcc sockets so you can switch out tons with the Willem itself. unless you want to use a homemade flasher. Relatively sure you can load more than one thing in the regular Willem software (I only do 1 at a time, as there isn't much room on 4m lol.) Reiner has very good software that he made, that enables multiple on one chip


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Well it's for my "collection" but it's also my favorite racing game. I race real rc cars and trucks so it has a great appeal to me. I already have pro am 1 but it doesn't have jumps or multiplayer:/


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I know I've been searching hard for it:/ and the people on eBay want way too much for it.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I want a copy of rc pro am 2, I haves chiptunes stuffs for trade.

I've wanted to get one just to try it out. You can still use gba carts, and they have a killer backlight.

Do you burn your roms to CDs then? or did you buy cd genesis games?