(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hello, world

I'm gonna leave this here, because I can.

(It's Plogue Chipsounds used in decent taste.)

The answer is in Ohm's law. Your power supply of choice must create the necessary power at the necessary voltage while both GBs are turned on. Someone with more knowledge about those needs can finish the answer.

danimal cannon wrote:

On facebook.

I thought subtweeting was when a person who thinks the same 30 people are following each other forgets to use the @ sign while speaking to someone.

ovenrake wrote:

yall bunch of dead-threads

I think the clothing thread was last week.

herr_prof wrote:

Does anyone really still read posts in this thread.

Asks True Chip Til I Don't Feel Like Doing It Anymore without using a question mark.

Nobody makes anybody do anything.

Not meaning to sound too personal,  Mr. Swimm is part of the point that people's lives, tastes, and opinions change.

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

i like how the OP called everybody faggots and nobody called him out on it like it's commonplace


If everybody had the same exact opinion there'd be no point and the scene really would be dead.

Ignatz wrote:

BEFORE MAINSTREAM START TO CLON US and replace our beings with pre-programmed clowns.

TONGUE IN CHEEK, LAME AND STUPID. It is noisy and nervous.
It's a commercial fake! It's just nintendo and big companies propaganda!


just some weird ideas...

taco_bell wrote:

They need to do way instain mother> who kill their babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots

Jansaw wrote:

Has cm always been this insecure?

There's a poetry to "how is babby formed" and tumblr belonging to the same company. Unrelated but I just wanted to say it to the CLONS who are still reading.

Zombietune. It's funny how I find more moments to read and post on workdays than I do when I'm off...


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I always wanted to get one Guinea pig and two cages, decorate both cages the same way, then name the Guinea pig "Control."

dubmood wrote:

Scene has been around for 30 or so years but a few newcomers joins and leaves and suddenly the scene is dead?
This thread made me miss being a teenager.  Please can I have that back?

30 years is 1983. You can have being a teenager if you take the awkwardness and lack of skill that goes with it, but more importantly..

This thread came from a failure of perception and an overreaction, no need to take it so hard.

At first I thought this was "I hate pasta" at the spaghetti convention again.

The cycling in of the young and the moving on or hiding of the old happens in every scene I've ever observed. If you like the changes, you stay and watch, if you have trouble integrating your scene with your changing life, it happens all the time and isn't a crime or anything.

Chipmusic is a long way from the condition where I first found it, and I have my own moments of doubt and thoughts that it will come back as some other aesthetic or style. In the end, people like what they like and do what they do, there's nothing more to it.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Bump with embed because I missed it the first time and it just went through my Vimeo timeline. Incredible, reminds me of the stuff tree wave would do.


(148 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:
calmdownkidder wrote:

so this is why you wanted this picture. lols.

Best of Jellica 1971-1977

I wouldn't mind seeing somebody try the GQ look, it'd be refreshing.