If you use it for algorithmic art installations, or for 8-bit sample collages, or piano roll jazz porn it's not really chip anymore. Right?
Oh, wait a sec. Maybe we aren't talking about the same thing after all. Because my answer to that question would be "Yes, it is."
We all have different ideas of where chip "stops" and becomes something else, it's not a problem as much as something to be lived with, but I think that's a different topic.
You can also try playing violin with a kind of bg track, though midi violins are expensive ime. There is a project called midiox or midiyoke which you can use to carry around a Bluetooth game controller and send midi messages to start your patterns... Or there's TouchOSC...
was that the thing in 2009? i think its one of the 2 gigs i missed due to illness (that and beep south 2)
I think so... It was a nice idea but they tried to book people who had way too far to travel for it. It was still s fun time and the store managed to get a lot of sales.