an0va wrote:

hey mods is it possible to partition this discussion into a new topic? I'm pretty interested in where this is going but don't want to keep derailing

Anyone can make a new thread, your new thread can contain quote bbcodes.

Much of the side discussion is covered in a "how do you play live" thread if you want to necro one. I can add the following:

If your personality and/or music don't lend to jumping and dancing, but you try jumping and dancing anyway, your audience will see through it. If you're not sure what your style or "pose" ought to be, find other musicians in your genre (chips not necessary.) It will take practice much like finding your own "sound."

The context of your audience is of critical importance, whether you have a stage separating you from them or not, and whether your performance is invited or not. Your performance begins when your ass is in the venue, not you take the stage, set up, soundcheck, or whatever- your very arrival is part of your gig, and your clothes, whatever they may be, are your costume.

Your audience may not be interested in your gig. How do you adjust? Are you able to do it? Will people remember you in a good way when they leave?

Chainsaw Police wrote:

but it's not vinyl!

If your merch isn't low budget for the aim of saving money and reducing personal overhead, then you're not punk.

(Stated for the benefit of readers, I expect Chainsaw already knows....)

Telerophon wrote:

…Had? Hopefully it all didn't just disappear into the void, and Jose has it backed up somewhere.

There's always Wayback Machine.

electricloverecords wrote:

  to actually sell something i would want a physical object and for me that would be vinyl.

That's dandy if you know the audience will buy them but be careful to not limit yourself. If I saw a merch table full of records and cassettes I wouldn't buy a thing because I no longer have decks to play them, but a cdr can be made just as cheaply and I can play it before I even get home.

The reason punk records could be done on the cheap is because... They could be done on the cheap. Waves of punk have been crushed when the price of oil drives the price of plastics up, so I'm in agreement with the cassette guys, with a lean toward suggesting something even cheaper, like a low capacity thumbdrive or micro SD.


(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

basspuddle wrote:

It looks like a car battery charger and a regular bass amp, I may be mistaken.

Roland bass cube, I've seen many. I prefer a more compact approach.

There's nothing wrong with busking, you either enjoy performing for people or you don't, it's that simple.


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)


I love the renoise interface. For me it's like a "fasttracker II on anphetamines".

I struggled with FT2 but got the hang of Renoise with practice. The main thing I can say is that compared to a tracker it is not so forgiving of mixing faux pas, that remains the biggest learning curve for me.

Not to knock Jose but if the traffic was that bad at 8BC, why hasn't that transferred and become an issue here at cm.o?

The answer to this question will help us all make better 4Chan pics.


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

myriad violets wrote:

Renoise is glorious.
I use it for everything. I wish it had an on-board sound generator

Anyone want a tutorial on how I made the Ordinary Day sounds? It's all draw tool....  There are a few tools such as ReSynth that allow you to synthesize waveforms. … ntry270068

And I expect most of us to be familiar with the vsts, if your arch sports them.

History (2000-2006)
repeats as tragedy (2007-2011)
and then as farce (2012-)

Feel free to adjust the dates to match reality.

Frostbyte wrote:

Like, what am I gonna be doing in like, 15 years? Am I still going to have time to sit and write on my gameboy?

I don't know what I'm doing in two years, how can you know what 15 will be like?

In 1988 I thought Game Boy was a bad idea, so don't be shocked if a few things surprise you along the way. wink


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I thought we already had a Renoise thread. It's my main instrument now.

I tried to think of more to say but I do almost everything on it... Maybe layer I'll post links of famous users or something.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Frostbyte wrote:

I've never had anyone actually say to me that I'm wasting time.

Must be doing it right, then. wink

Jellica wrote:

if you dont enjoy making music, then whats the point?

Exactly, if I could release single songs without cover designs I would, but I don't think you'd like it if I blasted "Releases" every time I make a song.

It's pretty easy to find out what my most watched/listened songs are.

(My favorite of my works to date is not chipmusic.)

Why not make a normal release announcement?