(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hahaha bad dudes the cat big_smile


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

copy cat :3


(70 replies, posted in Releases)

oh damn, i gotta say gents, this is really growing on me! big_smile


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Boo Boo is a GILF


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hahaha Panther is a rad name for a cat and so is Saffy!


(94 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i think volume 3 is my favourite smile


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hahahaha. thanks br0

and comptroller

and gwEm

do want natty


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

i feel you bro ;__; you can haz my dollar, but really i loved this EP so i'm going to give you a bit more smile

low-gain wrote:
an-cat-max wrote:

nordloef playing definitely makes up for chipzel playing yikes

I'm not exactly sure what you have against her music... But she has a lot more talent than a lot of the crap i hear uploaded to the free hosting chipmusic websites... So i suggest just chilling out on the complaining and embrace the show for what it is... And energy packed event made to support and showcase the scene's talent from around the world. And yes. she has talent. The people that organize Blip put a lot of time, effort and money into putting this event on and  your posts dont help the cause.

I know that saying that i don't like chipzel on the thread wasn't a productive thing to do but i don't see how voicing my opinion about one artist takes anything away from the event at all. It wasn't even as much "i don't like chipzel" i was more meaning i was surprised to see chipzel playing. Sorry if i caused any offence or anything, i think blip europe is an amazing thing and when i'm making enough money to make it over i shall be every year it's on. circumstances willing, i guess i just found your post a little unfair considering the fact i didn't say anything wild or overly offensive and i definitely didn't damage "the cause"

anyway, sorry again if i offended anybody, i honestly meant it in jest!

anyway, enough of this~!


(on the live stream whoooop!!!!)


(223 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i challenge Anal OG to write a song that is the exact opposite of a chipzel song. smile


(223 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i challenge Anal OG to write a song that is the exact opposite of a chipzel song.

so i wouldn't need one with the Focusrite?

thanks you guys for the advice, i'm a real noob in this area so i really appreciate it big_smile