(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Karate can get you quite far in the music industry, actually.

Best release so far this year


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh, don't worry about that. They're really equivalent as far as hardware control goes. You know, LSDJ was written mostly in C I think.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, C is just another level of abstraction from machine code. You won't have minute control of what the compiler does when you write C code. This might not be a problem depending on how much performance you have to milk out of the code. I'd say use a C compiler and inline assembler code for things that require more performance than the compiler will give you.

T3rrorByte wrote:

It's not for everyone! And at the same time I'm pretty green when it comes to song writing and editing. I'll definitely try to use your tips to the best of my ability. That's the one thing I feel I have trouble with. It's hard for me to come up with variety. But I gather the more I keep writing the better it will get. So thanks for the feedback! If you have any examples of who I should listen to to get a more fresh idea of what it should sound like, please let me know!

Yeah, really just keep going and you'll figure out how to deal with the stuff you have trouble with! It certainly sounds better than anything I made in my first few years of making music.

egr wrote:

Disclaimer:  Thinking that everybody using gb's is boring assumes that the compositions would be better on other hardware and obviously that's not true.

No it doesn't. You're the one making assumptions here.

Note: I can't say I'm a fan of nintendocore. I don't really have a firm idea of what it is and have pretty much dismissed it as a way of pigeonholing bad music.

First song: Very repetitive, and the piano reverb sounds awful with that level of dynamic compression. The melody is pretty bland and you quickly get tired of that chord progression

Second song: To some extent it suffers the same problems as the first song. Quite repetitive, but not as bad. The parts are a bit more varied. I like the big snare in the chorus, and you seem good at pterodactyl song. Ultimately it suffers from repeating that bland melody for too long.

Third song: See above, except the song gets pretty tiresome after a while as well. The melody is sort of wandering up and down this simple scale without any rhythmical point of interest or anything.

Fourth song: The long notes in the melody could use some vibrato or whatever. Right now they are very harsh. It gets a bit easier when the piano kicks in, but I still have the urge to shut the thing of throughout the whole song because again it's too repetitive.

Musically I think it all sounds very tame which stands in contrast with the vocal style. I guess this was totally intentional but I don't like it. Also, I generally have nothing against repetitive music, but since it's so melodically oriented it gets kind of annoying. So as far as I'm concerned, better luck next time.

Monotron wrote:

Honestly it's stuff like this that keeps me from jumping deep into the community here, or anywhere else for that matter. The idea that there has to be a certain standard for chipmusic and that experimentation/uncy tracks mean you're terrible and a noob and should quit.

Everyone has standards. If you for any second think that the chipmusic community shares a single standard that everyone agrees with, take another guess.

Yes, negative reinforcement is cool if it's constructive, but saying "You're new, your music is bad because you're new. Leave" is just stifling the community.

I hate when that happens. Wait, when did that happen again?

I see the opposite happening a lot. Someone new posts an awful song (and I don't mean "unce" or "experimental" -- no one thinks awful defaults to a particular style or genre -- but awful in the sense that the composer will probably disown it when they write their next song) and gets totally unfounded praise from either people who are just being nice, or people that have an equally bad idea of what they're doing. Doing this instead of either ignoring or criticising it just is just bad.

Yeah, these people are rightfully proud of having created something at all, but scratching their backs about it will just feed their ego in a way that is detrimental to their development as musicians.

Instead of bashing newcomers, you should help them get started. You don't need to hold their hands, I never had anyone to teach me lsdj/famitracker. I learned on my own time, but a little help never hurts.


To me at least, chipmusic is about creating something in a way that is unique and fun. It's sort of taking out the advanced-ness of modern tech and making music in a more intimate way. I think all this garbage about "real chipmusic" is a load of hoohey. Setting limits on what people should make just kills any creativity.

I'm not sure where these perceived limits come from, but chances are it's just people having opinions. Talk about "real chipmusic" doesn't really have anything to do with limiting creativity. If anything, it's about limiting the definition of chipmusic. If limiting the definition of chipmusic limits your creativity, it's only because you yourself are limiting your creativity, which in the end isn't inherently bad.

There's no need to be a 24/7 tough guy just because someone asks you how to make an arp in LSDJ. You never know, that noob one day might bust out with some awesome tuneage the next.

I agree, but I know no examples of arp tough guys. Probably other noobs if they really exist, since anyone can look it up in the manual or the various tutorials helpful community members create. Even when people post questions they could as easily have written in a search engine, there are people who gladly provide the information.

For Pokémon I'd guess some sort of in-house MML flavour. Writing a music compiler isn't rocket science!

On my last release i had people tell me that my music was a "bunch of shit on top of zef sounds". Thats hardly cc. I would just hate for some one new to get on here and post something and get that response, makes us look like a bunch of "know it alls" and dick heads.

If you want constructive criticism, ask people who you trust to give you an honest answer. I'm afraid that if someone thinks that about your music, they're entitled to that opinion and you have given them the means to express it to you by publishing it publicly on a site that encourages comments.

If noobs get those kinds of comments and recognise them not as individual attitudes and opinions, but as the consensus of the community, there isn't a lot the community as a whole can do about it.

Slightly relevant

* On a second millennium music compilation quantum storage unit.
* Encoded as binary patterns of huge boulders in the atlantic desert year 5000


(14 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Not exactly a tracker, but I have some barely readable code for a sequencer/fm synth with a JACK backend and a Curses frontend here.

If it's MIDI it's 5V, no?

"Not proper" in what sense? As far as I understand they are software tick-based envelopes modeled after the YM2612 envelopes. I'm not sure what's particularly improper about that if you are using software envelopes anyway. It makes perfect sense from a consistency perspective. If by  "manual defined volume envelopes" you mean drawing them out step by step, sure, it's flexible, but IMO it's not particularly useful in most cases.

Something I found very effective is layering an FM lead with the same melody in a PSG channel. Differences in frequency resolution puts them slightly out of tune with each other which fattens the sound a lot. If you delay the PSG channel a bit you get a nice echo as well.