(75 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In capitalist society, people are often a lot lazier than they are poor!

On a less general note, I think that many people would gladly spend $50 to bypass whatever hassles an electronics newbie might encounter performing these mods. If modded gameboys aren't sold cheaper, it's because no one has found it profitable enough. It's easy for us to say how much it should cost, but in the end it's an agreement between the seller and the customer, not something for us as spectators to decide.


(10 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Hmmmm yes, on one hand it's definitely an emulation, but on the other hand, I think it's a hardware implementation... could-be-a-mistakebit! As far as I know, no software uses it (except for the standard stereo 2nd SID mode).


(10 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)


This is in the latest 1541U firmware, as far as I understand it.


(7 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

I think that they will lower the volume

Standards compliant != "proper" code, whatever that is. For example you use <b>bla</b><br> for some headers on the index page, which imo isn't atrocious, but not "proper" by any means when it comes to semantics.

And no, being able to remove ads with a third party plugin is not a good excuse to put them all over your site. If you really think so, then you could stop worrying about the design, because we can all just turn off CSS rendering if we don't like it. In fact, we could all just not go there at all. Catch my point? I don't personally have a problem with ads in general, but for your own benefit, you should probably make sure to have absolute control over the content of a personal website. Are these shitty make-money-doing-nothing schemes something that you want to be associated with personally?

As for some criticism regarding the design, I think that the index page shouldn't have to explain what the buttons in the menu do. The names of the pages are (or at least should be) self-evident. Apart from the actual index (the menu), just put the bare essential things people will want to read on the index page.

If you're going for a dated look, there's no substitute...

However, the "dated website" look isn't really 8-bit/NES-like. If you want the latter, you should probably scrap the current design. I like it as it is, though. Just get rid of the ads.


(28 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

How does the waveform look on the standard bass mod? To me it sounds like the pops could be from some kind of DC offset issue, which is not surprising if you start removing caps from things. Maybe you could just replace them with other caps.


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Looking nice! I'll give them a benchmark on my A1200 with fastram when I get home from werk.

If you're not afraid of using a command shell I can suggest you SoX for sample conversion and processing. Then you can use the built in file iteration commands in tcsh or bash or whatever shell you prefer to do file batch work. As for management, I think there are utilities for OSX that let you tag each file with keywords and arrange files by combinations of those.

It might not sound like the most convenient approach, but at least it's free.


(1 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Wow, it really sounds great (from watching a couple of youtube videos). I'd love to hear one in a feedback loop.


(82 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I share your romantic idea of self-fulfilling music, but playing live is really fun, too, so why not?


(11 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Let me know if you find a good death metal speech synth. I'd prefer one that can load the vocals straight into the DAW, but It's fine if you need to put them in a separate file.


(5 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)



(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I hate the 909 crash. The rim shot makes up for it.
