(9 replies, posted in Audio Production)

So.. I'm looking for some things to mix for classes, and just general practice.  So if you have some things you want mixed (fo free), let me know.  It'd be especially cool if you had some stuff with instruments involved, drums or guitar, but I'll do whatever I can get my hands on.

ant1 wrote:
Jophish wrote:

Hmmm. This looks like a REALLY cool idea. I may try my hand at this. This is definitely a challenge, though.

EDIT: Question. What if we don't "own", or have access to an acoustic piano? Can we use sample based VSTs? Not crappy ones that sound like shit, but nice ones that sound real.

Make some sheet music and post it here, maybe some kind chipmusic.org pianist will play it for you. smile

I might be willing to take stab, if you got some musics or some changes or anything at all.

Was there a deadline?  I don't see one.  Also, are we allowed to add reverb in when we mix?

I'm working on getting something together for this, but just want to clarify something as far as rules... We're good to use real instruments, right?  Like drums?  Maybe some guitar?


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arfink wrote:

Whoah... it's like I'm back on 8bc again.

But seriously, it's an OK paint job I guess, if you're going for the "covered in grease pencil" look. And an interesting way to maybe recycle an Xbox controller badge and buttons maybe. Still, I'm sure after a few attempts you can make one that looks better.

I'm sorry..  I didn't mean for it to be painful..

Yeah, I had an old busted controller, lying around, and decided it would be kind of fun.  Next time, though, I will be sure to use much less clear coat.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just wanted to share my latest use (perhaps misuse..) of time with those who might appreciate it.  The spray paint job is a little shoddy, but it's the first time I've ever painted a Gameboy.. what can I say.  Enjoy.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Interested in the LSDJ.  I'll PM you.

Not selling that... My bad.  As far as trades I go, I could use anything that isn't an LSDJ cart.


You want to rip just the vocals?

If the board can do sub-mixes (such as monitor mixes, etc), consider that.  Odds are, what's coming through the mains isn't always going to be the best mix for a recording, since the live mix is going to be pretty specific to the room.  If you use a sub-mix, you can mix it just the way you want it on the CD.  Or mp3.  Or record.  Or cassette.  Whatever floats your boat.