(63 replies, posted in Releases)

HEY GUYS! really happy with the feedback on this!

sorry i havent replied to any of the emails with the tracks or the posts on here! but the last week has been quite hectic.

im going to get on it on monday and listen through all them all... but im pritty sure all of them are awesome!

cant wait to get this cassette out there to the people, hopefully it will go down well, if not ohwell youll have your songs get to a few people.

sorry to keep you guys waiting! but this is happening, and will be done before the end of the month!


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

yeah sure guys! we will accept whatever, only gunna limit to about 10/11 tracks so it doesnt get too big, easier to concentrate i guess if theres less. but ill show the songs around for a couple of days on like the 25th of may and see what people "vibe" with the most, then ill get them going.

so yeah just email us when your happy with your submission smile

[email protected]


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

Yeah lets say, i want this to be on its way by late may? ill fill you all in when i get an idea of how long its going to take! only want about 10 or 11 tracks ideally,

im putting it on a cassette cus all the "hip" people in london seem to like that format some reason (its got some kind of stigma attached, maybe making them think the music is somehow more valuable because its on a "retro" format) .... and my aim is to target the people around london because i feel its my duty to introduce them to this new "dark" heavy chiptune, because whenever i talk to them about it they talk about all the happy stuff (which dont get me wrong is awesome! but i feel there missing out on this lovely new breed of chiptune)...

thanks nordloef ill get in contact with him, i must have been spelling it wrong.

its none profit really, just covering what it takes to make the tapes (vinyl would be awesome but that might be next!).. and ill be taking it to whatever shows are about, and try and get it in rough trade etc!

as for length etc, anything under 5/6 minutes format can be anything as long as i can get it onto logic so i can make a playlist to put on the cassettes.


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

one song i really want on it is comptroller - crack pinocchio...
cant seem to fiind a contact anywere though..


(63 replies, posted in Releases)

hi, im putting together a compilation of Grimey/Heavy chiptune tunes on cassette to sell on my site.

if anyone is interested in putting a track on it please let us know!

the sales will only cover production cost, so its just for promotion for anyone that wants in smile

[email protected]

also, sold all the kits ive prepared. nearly raised enough for the posh ones with the nice enclosure, hopefully a couple of weeks on those.
but the kits will be back up on monday

hey i would make them im just too busy at the min, which is a bummer.

i got them made through a friend, ill find out from him and let you know!


oh yeah sorry the link isnt broken anymore.
i will include casing on the next batch, problem is i need to get some more pcb's for that casing. im getting close to the funds though! which is awesome!
but the kits are going well smile

heres a link and a little bit down theres a link to download the .pdf


finally got another batch of kits up! the last sold quite quickly so ive stocked up more.

right so im selling the PCB's and a kit

check out the 2 most recent posts on my wall for info and a .pdf document to read through


http://meowindustry.blogspot.co.uk/2012 … noboy.html


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i chose the resonator purely because i have a load of them sitting around. if this works well i will go for  crystal next time, but it seems to be fine,
there isnt any extreme temperature changes so they do the same thing for less components and less price i guess.

so yeah im will get the PCB's out as soon as i get a document done tonight,

prices would be..
Currency is british pound sterling

£5 for PCB.
£12 for PCB and Atmega chip with arduinoboy program on and a 28IC socket.

A PCB kit with half a link cable and Panel mount 5 pin DIN midi sockets etc would be approx £20-25 havent added all that up yet.

heres a prototype to show you the fully assembled one with acrylic enclosure not sure of the price yet might also include the enclosure with the kit or something if people are interested.:-

http://meowindustry.blogspot.co.uk/2012 … ready.html

also due to the rarity of the link cables with the POWER lead i decided to make it powered by a 9V battery, but also can be powered by the gameboy or midi out. but seinse i only have link cables with no power (ive seen someone put a wire on the outside of the wire sleeve, seems a bit tempremental to me).

so yeah! updates later when i finish this damned document to go with it all!

i plan on doing both i think the next few days!.
going to make a document for it which will have the pcb in it.

and then a pricee for just the PCB (maybe even with the atmega chip with the arduinoboy software on it?)... a kit, and a fully assembled one,


so i started building a run of arduinoboys.

but the acrylic case design will take a few days to fine tweek.

but im thinking of making a kit available because i ordered quite a few PCB's (costed the same seemed a waste not to get a handful)

and thinking of putting some kits together..

who would be in?
theres some info of the project so far here

http://meowindustry.blogspot.co.uk/2012 … ready.html


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

just finished a video for a song of ours

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7dq7zYr … e=youtu.be

hope you like it!


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

this is AWESOME! i like the way youve put the dmg-01's in the rack,

beats my bulky and lazier approach of "bolt the fronts on the front of the rack approach"

maybe a port for a nes controller to control the gameboys from sitting down, because i always find with racks a bit of a pain in the ass pushing buttons.
would be cool... or even a snes controller and use the spare buttons to shift which gameboy your controlling!?