(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

WOW, look at this:

I WANT!!!!!! tongue


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NITRO check this out: http://ayasuke.exblog.jp/13276060/

Scroll down, and you will see the guy flasshing the GBx with this Hong Kong 2.52 adapter.


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Frostbyte, I'm currently using BleepBloop USB cartridges for music production. This is a challenge to make usable a good flash cartridge from the nintendo story ;-).

Thanks nitro2k01... Check the MOOTAN website... http://mootan.hg.to/fmgbx/ez_fmgbx.html

There's lot of active links with the software and other resources for development. Any help you'll need, let me know!



(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hello again... this japanease website seems to have / selling one original EZ linker: http://www.tea4two.jp/top_product_game_01.php/

big_smile just sent an email to the webmaster big_smile


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I understand you nitro... please keep in mind that I'm not expert in gameboy cartridge programming or hardware stuff :-(, I'm just trying ;-)

Plus I don't have any idea of how to build a hardware to flash this beast :-(

I got an email from a japan friend, he mentioned that using a Gameboy Xchanger (parallel port or usb version) will works for flashing this stuff.

I'll keep you posted.



(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hello guys... today I  invested about 3 hours searching the best solution to flash this kind of cartridges (specially from a mac). So this are the results of my tests:

1. Because I don't have a PC computer to test more until next week, I just started today looking for a solution for mac users. I downloaded Crossover (trial version) http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/22636/crossover in order to run the FlasManager.exe (win) installer aplication.

2. With the BleepBloop programmer attached to a native USB port of my mac I tested all of the opening settings of the FlashManager app without no success!. At this point I thought that the BleepBloop programmer would not work with this old software.

3. The only good thing and confirm what Bit Shifter mentioned before is the support with GB Xchanger adapter (check the attached SS for more details). The big issue is that seems HARD to find one those these days, and I don't have a friend with one to make test. Also this adapter was Parallel port enhanced :-(.

Final conclusion at the moment would be:

A. Find / Buy a GB Xchanger

B. Buy a Parallel to USB port adapter like this one (fuck they are so expensive): http://www.amazon.com/Ambir-33004-Paral … B00006HXPZ

C. Plug the GB Xchanger to Parallel por and the USb into my mac... then run the FlashManager app using CrossOver and cross the fingers ;-)

D. Buy an old PC hardware with parallel port... YUK!

Any thoughts?

Do you have a GB Xchanger hardware to share or sell to me?



(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool let us know!!! big_smile


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


In this website: http://mootan.hg.to/fmgbx/

Scroll-down a little, and you will see the downloads options:

FlashManager for GBx v1.10 (日本語 Ver.) ダウンロード
FlashManager for GBx v1.10 (English Ver.) Download
FlashManager for GBx v0.01 (VC7 MFC Project) Source

I also sent an email to the webmaster of this website... seems like there's a way to build your own EZ-Linker kind of, but all info is in japanese :-(


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks nitro!, on the other hand thanks too Bit Shifter, I remember that softare (FlashManager) I would try to find a copy and do some tests.

Thanks guys!


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

By the way... check this video... this is how look's and sound this NP menu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3lQMqLtnFY



(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ok, but then what we could try flash this guy? :-(

Dead battery!


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hello nordoloef ;-)

Ok so here some progress... today I attached the NP cartridge to the BleepBloop programmer and using GBFLSH (Mac version) I was able to download the .gb file. That means that now I have a copy of the original MENU addressed by nintendo into the cartridge, and here is how looks like:

Now, for some F.... reason I can't ERASE the flash... well when I hit the ERASE FLASH button seems to work out and the GBFLSH software says "Erase Flash ¡Success!", but then when I test the cartridge again on my DMG the F.... menu + the F.... games still there :-(

When I downloaded the .GB file of the NP menu, I didn't touch it the settings that came up when the GBFLSH software is open, so why it's so easy to read and download the menu file and why I can not erase the entire cartridge? :-(

I know that the artist called USK @CHIPDISKO  have experience working out with this stuff, I also tried to send and email to him, but the CONTACT form on his website send me an error.




(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks lavar. You know when I made back ups of my BleepBloop cartridges, I always use this setting:

But I don't know which would be the setting for this cart. I also dumped a copy of the .GB (showing the original menu) you mentioned. I must match the right setting of the GBCFLSH software to delete that .gb file and place LSDJ.

When I try to erase the .gb file of this cart using the GBCFLSH software the menu still there :-(

Any other help or ideas would be great!


Hello everyone, does anybody tried to flash LSDJ or any other GAMEBOY music production software in one of this guys?

I tried about 2 or 3 years ago without success using the BleepBloop Transferer and the GBCFLSH software (Mac). Any thoughts? thanks for help!
