Nice song so far! big_smile
* You have lot of short notes and chords that fills up everything... I think that will be a nice addition a long melody over all of that atmosphere.
* The bass is very quiet, you can listen to it only in the intro. I think that switching it to a SAW or/and increase the volume would improve that.
* Another layer for the drums (maybe a "clap like" sound?), to make the pattern more unpredictable.

First revisions of GBC will support this.

Jesus!, Sander von Focus that was incredible.

No more HD space on server?


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

GOOD. Afrika Bambaataa + LSD + 8 Bits

Does this replay routine support the zombie-mode volume change?


(29 replies, posted in Sega)

This thread was declared dead almost 1 year ago!

Inside the config.ini, there's a skip_intro thing that should be changed to 1 if you don't like the start up animation. It is explained in the manual that, as usual, nobody reads. tongue

Regarding to the crashes:
It is true, DefleMask was crashing a lot on some specific computers before the latest update. I couldn't replicate the scenario so it took me lot of time to finally figure out where the problem was.
It is finally fixed. So, it is completely stable now (9s version).

It is open source. AKA: Developer no longer interested in it.

You will have to wait and there should appear some forks, ports, new version, etc.
Or maybe it will die, who knows?


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

DefleMask uses SDL for sound output. I think that there's a command for SDL under Linux to switch between ALSA, JACK, PULSEAUDIO, etc.

EDIT: yup, it is an envvar:
Selects the audio driver for SDL to use. Possible values, in the order they are tried if this variable is not set:

dsp,alsa,pulse,audio,disk (all; output to file) … vvars.html


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I didn't test DefleMask on Ubuntu 12.04. It should work just fine if you get OpenGL (sudo apt-get install freeglut3), if you are on a 64Bits distro you have to Download 32Bits libraries (sudo apt-get install ia32-libs) and maybe you will need also SDL libraries and lib32asound2-plugins. Like arfink said, different Linux distros have different needed dependencies to manually install.

This is the bandcamp of the compilation, just if you want to streaming the audio without download the package:

Guys!, this is super new! Free Download!

V/A – |
Proud to announce:! . An argentinian´s artists Chiptunes/bending double release. Downlad and enjoy!

Ok!, so after lot of work and tons of headaches DefleMask gets a new update! Stability is priority in this version.

DefleMask 9s (@05/14/14):
After lot of work and debugging (thanks r57shell, littlelamp100 and bod) the random crash was fixed!!, now the tracker is completely stable.
Now a backup module will be automatically saved in the DefleMask folder, this was added to prevent data loss if you suffer a crash or a power failure.
Better default Commodore 64 instrument.
Now vibratos will not cancel arpeggios (Backward compatibility warning: if you used that behavior to cancel arpeggios then you will have to add a 00 00 effect now to cancel it).
Fixed an issue regarding to module name while opening it trough the OS explorer and switching to another system while a song was already loaded.
Now you can click on names under the SAVE/LOAD file screen, before you needed to click on the folder/file tiny icons.
More demo songs!
Manual updated.