The pattern editor uses a texture, not a simple color value. Editing the  png will do the job.

About the logo, it can be disabled from the intro (edit config.ini), but not from the main window. It's the program logo, it should be somewhere in the interface, maybe I will reduce its size only if I need more space.

The lack of "actual words" in the buttons is on purpose, an homenage to Fast Tracker.


(20 replies, posted in Sega)

They closed the video just when the achievement pop up. too bad sad


(20 replies, posted in Sega)

Strobe wrote:

We used a heavily modified version of Echo for music!

I was thinking in add Echo export in DefleMask. Is that version you have modified available?, if it has much new features maybe I should write the exporter over it instead of the original Echo.


(20 replies, posted in Sega)


Was the song done directly on code using a custom player or what did Strobe use to make it? It is amazing.

DefleMask is intended to be playable on the actual hardware, so, in part, that's not possible. However, I added a GLOBAL PLAY command, that it will play any running instances of DefleMask in the Operating System. An opened DefleMask instance is a console, two Game Boys, a Genesis and a PC Engine, etc.
So you have to use 2 or more DefleMask and select any chip you want in all of them, make a coordinated track, and press Ctrl+Enter to hear it side by side.

You can export WAV by pressing on "Options" and after that in the "E. Wav" button. RTFM!

Regarding to the Piano sound, there are TONS of piano presets out there (search for y12, dmf, vgi packages), also you can export from ROMs by using Gens KMod and get, for example, the awesome piano used by Matt Furniss in Alien 3.

Other users have always asked me before using my music on his YT videos/games/ads, etc. Only a very low percent of people do not asks for permissions, you only just had a little bad luck, the song's free, you have been credited, etc, nice.

Maybe because of some business tourism I will be there in October.

Make your own skin, it is not hard. And you can post it and maybe you can revert that lack of sharing like you said.

I don't know if it is your case, but lot of accustomed users to other trackers are getting crazy with DefleMask's interface, but I really don't care, I receive more messages regarding to the nice design of the UI rather than the others like, "the UI should be more like FamiTracker", "more like Renoise", "more like MilkyTracker", they will be also unhappy with FastTracker II, ProTracker and all others old-skool based interfaces so I don't worry.

DefleMask's UI is really nice actually, the problem is that some people don't have time or initiative to try to understand how it actually works or to read the manual.

Hope that's not your case, if it's not, I invite you to done a post in requests inside DefleMask's forum explaining what points of the UI should be changed.

Time Trax rom for Genesis was released and after some investigations I discovered how was actually done that awesome vibrato guitar sound.
So, DefleMask 9e is Released with some nice addons in the vibrato part and some other things!:

New Vibrato stuff:
    Standard Effect Added: E3xx - Set Vibrato Mode (1=UP ONLY (like guitars), 2=DOWN ONLY, 0=both/normal)
    Standard Effect Added: E4xx - Set Fine Vibrato Depth.
    Fixed a bug regarding to vibrato depth of the YM2612 soundchip.
    Vibrato phase now is correctly reseted between vibrato commands.
Now if you switch between systems more data will be preserved (instruments, tempo, samples, wavetables, etc).
Now DefleMask will start with a default instrument already created. You don't have to go to Instrument list and click on New to make a sound (anti noob users feature tongue).
Bugs fixed.
Manual Updated.
Linux, Windows and OS X builds updated.

With those new vibrato effects and with some pretty presets you could easily get that Time Trax guitar sound.
I done a demo, check it out.


CountSymphoniC wrote:

I sincerely think you should look into porting Deflemask to mobile devices. [...] I understand the you would have problems selling an Android version, but you could sell the executable on your site no? I strongly encourage making this happen, there's always a workaround if you look for it.

This is not so easy as porting it to Mac, Windows or Linux as I already did. DefleMask is a pure C/C++ application, Android's Official SDK is a JAVA toolbox to write apps. Porting DefleMask to Android will require not only to port C++/C code to JAVA, all OpenGL stuff to OpenGL ES/Android-Canvas and transform SDL sound calls to an Android equivalent, the difficult part is that I will also require to port all emulators to a JAVA form.

I will wait until a proper C compiler for Android becomes available. In other way this will not be a port process rather a re-write of the entire program.

I was looking at this the other day:

Seems promising, but lot of issues will pop up I guess...

PaK-Zer0 wrote:

We can't blame Delek for being an a$$h0l€ because he don't want to share his code (jia jia jia jia jia!), but there's a lot of people that would love to see this happen and I bet there's a few talented coders here.

WTF? DefleMask's code will not help in a native tracker program.

I really don't have much interest in a native tracker btw, never used LSDJ too much, making music in the actual console is a loss of time for me (only a personal opinion). Music was done in computers back in the day, and after they exported to the actual HW.

I ripped of the Guitar Preset and made a simple demo with that sound (for DefleMask), this will become a huge source of nice techniques. big_smile

And where is the ROM?

EDIT2: The 00.vgm track is SO GIORGIO MORODER.
EDIT3: Prototype here: …