Muse is a very solid piece of work.

djmaximum wrote:

MuseTracker is the only PCM baste NES tracker that has compatibility with a tun of NSF players, VirtuaNSF, VirtuaNES, NSFLive, SlickNSF (however NSFs play a little slower than their intended refresh rate) NEZplay Etc, and it does a pretty good job, the NSF exporter is vary stable and handles the code vary well, and it seems to do a much better job than in DefleMask.

DefleMask's NSFs are fully compatible with the NES; so, in fact, those NSF players that you mention are not fully accurate, rather than DefleMask being not compatible. The technic used by DefleMask to do 7bit samples is discussed here @ nesdev.
I recommend only NSFPlay by rainwarrior, it was updated to support DefleMask's NSF a year ago.

Btw, DefleMask has the advantage of multi sampling rates @ 7bit samples (4000hz, 8000hz, 11025hz, 16000hz, 22050hz, 32000hz!!!), in Muse you are forced to use 8000hz. You can get better samples in the NES than 8000hz as DefleMask proved.

Liek this WOW


Boner wrote:

if you believe a 5 year old can learn Renoise, then why would you think what he is saying is a lie? if you believe a child cannot illegally download software, why would you believe they could learn Renoise? Really simple logic here. The only joke here is the one people are playing on themselves if they don't believe the truth about children being at the forefront of technology. 

re: piracy, see the fuck ton of links above.

Again?, we are NOT saying that a children can't use technology, my cousin of 5 can start, play and build up things in Minecraft better than me.

We are only saying that almost 100% of what RDJ says in a interview is a lie.

Boner wrote:

and you think a 5 or 6 year old can't learn how to use a tracker?

We are not saying that. Stop trying to get the discussion to another point.
We are saying that Aphex Twin is always making jokes and telling lies on interviews, so this is probably a joke too (the pirated part is a very strong clue about this).

Almost 100% on a Aphex Twin interview is a joke.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Awesome!, btw, good to see another guy from Buenos Aires around here. Groso!


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Awesome work Rico. What's your setup?


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8GB was THE PROJECT that inspired me in first place to start making from scratch lo-fi stuff. Love 8GB!


if(your_song-target_song>25%)return remix;
else return cover;

Recorder by me and emulated, better rips are needed for sure. tongue

Volume column changes ALL TL values for Genesis, the problem is that the tracker shouldn't decide on the fly how the effect will work depending on the instrument currently selected, the behavior of commands in the patterns should be absolute and never relative, it is a design resolution.

I could modify this, by checking which ALG is selected on current channel and modify specific Operator's TL, however, this change will Turn On lot of backward compatibility issues. I will look at this.

There are specific effects for specific operators' volume.

jefftheworld wrote:
Delek wrote:

It is open source. AKA: Developer no longer interested in it.

Open source != abandoned

abandoned != developer no longer interested in it


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The VGM format is simply a list of raw register writes to the soundchip, so, it is TRIVIAL to write a .VGM -> .GBS tool. DefleMask, for example, does just that internally.

I don't know if there are converters out there, the Game Boy support in the VGM format is quite new, but it is definitely possible and really easy to do.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You could get a .vgm file by playing the track on LSDJ on this modified MESS emulator.
After that, you can mute/unmute channels playing back the vgm or convert the .vgm to .gbs.