(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there will be a release to add in a few days.

sad little MTC has had my sleep schedule on hiatus. wish i could go to this. fucking kool skull in nj. god damnit.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)


free non-chip music. but you can eat chips while you listen to these tapemp3's

i'll be uploading a bunch more in the next few days so bookmark it. also, if you haven't heard of some of these bands, take the risk. i take a risk every single time i download any chip album that people post on here, mainly because that's how i always found new music.

talk to christina (wet mango) .. she had a sweet connection for providence (RI) which is in the same area as boston and a guaranteed awesome show. also, keep me posted.. i may be playing a show with a vs b in nj in december and i think you'd fit right in.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

someone COULD just make a photocopy style zine...maybe have a small intro to what chip music is (for people that are clueless) have a monthly top 10 release section with reviews, show photos, websites to check out to learn more etc etc etc. if this was 2 years ago, i'd probably have done it at work using free paper/ink. now i no longer have the free materials but am a bit busy with other stuff - the idea still sounds good though, and might help expand the music to a broader audience once you leave a small stack of the zine at your local record store.

the getting was gotten. thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Releases)


first tasting of the porter is happening now.. it's slightly carbonated, very vinegar-ish (traditional of old porters) and has a hell of a bite. not too bacony, not too chocolatey, but it all blends together well.

and by some, he means a case of beer. double chocolate caramel stout, double chocolate bacon bourbon porter, and my "i pee ehh" 120 minute ipa.

if anyone pre-emptively would like to buy merch, let me know. i am bringing very little of everything to make room in the car for beer.

however, i am not housebroken.. mike lied


this might be why some things are way loud and some things i can barely hear. i'll have to try and see if this'll work. thanks

akira^8GB wrote:

Alright, talking to myself.

The DOS (+Win3.1 ;P) Sound Blaster Pro drivers are here. They contain a software mixer that is necessary to set the volume of your card in DOS mode.

Featuring: MisfitChris, L-Tron, Battle Lava & InvaderBacca

Saturday, September 24, 2011; 8pm - $10

Location: 15 West 28th Street, NY, NY 10001, Between Broadway and 5th
By subway: N, R train to 28th Street

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PULSEWAVE IS BACK! The Tank is proud to present its legendary chip music series at Tada! Youth Theater for the fall season. Join us for our kick-off event this Saturday September 24th and come early to discuss how you can help to make chip music events in NYC the best they can be! Mark your calendars for the next shows on October 29th and November 19th.


Three of the most bad ass dudes involved in the chip community will finally be gathering in New York City for something other than being a Blip Festival attendee. With two acts from North America and one taking a long bus ride out from Canada, this is sure to be a wild night. Bring your leather jackets, spike up your hair, and get ready for this punk as fuck trio to party it up like you've never seen before. Bring your gear for open mic! 5 minutes, plug in and play; no exceptions! Sign up list at the door, limited amount of spots.

Music by:

MisfitChris »> Hailing from Connecticut, USA, Misfitchris started off playing his Casio keyboard alongside SNES games in a valiant effort to mimic his favorite video game composers. Then, in an attempt at venting his inevitable teenage angst, he picked up a guitar and started a punk band. He got his first taste of using computers to make music editing local bands with basic sound editing software. That eventually lead to the wunderkind toying around with digital audio workstations trying to emulate his favorite artists such as Daft Punk, Sebastien Leger, Aphex Twin, Square Pusher and Autechre. Then at 21 the budding electronic prodigy discovered chipmusic, a marriage of difficult trackers and minimal soundscapes, a match made in heaven. Misfitchris quickly grew fond of this sound and in an unyielding attempt at perfection began his current project he has aptly dubbed “Fakebit”. His sound is a distinctive blend of the classic chip music he was weaned on and the heavy hitting house music that captivated him as a teen. MisfitChris has a sound that will conjure up feelings from days of old, like leaving final fantasy 3 on just to hear the music and the feeling of being the only one in the world to defeat the boss all rolled into a precise, masterfully crafted sonic eargasm. Misfitchris is everything you ever wanted to hear and everything your parents warned you about. http://misfitchris.bandcamp.com/

L-Tron »> Upon discovering what the program was capable of, the scientists took immediate precautions, securing it inside of the nearest electronic device they could find: a Nintendo Game Boy. They feared its power yet could not bring themselves to destroy it. Trapped Inside the machine with no way to escape and return to its own time, the program began expressing itself through the sound chip of the Game Boy. Eons passed. An exploration vessel near a planet called Earth recorded the following transmissions – Code-named: L-tron. http://www.myspace.com/ltronsmusic

Battle Lava »> Battle Lava is a solo chip music project from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, using the Nintendo Game Boy as a source of sound and inspiration. His music covers a range of styles that hover on the boundary of retro-technological limits. http://battlelava.com/

Visuals by:

InvaderBacca »> Invaderbacca sees the colors that nobody sees. His approach to visualizing the sounds surrounding him is almost sonic itself in nature, whether he's creating hardware NES mods or creating his own spasmodic video blasts. It all becomes a blend that is both delicious and stimulating. http://vimeo.com/album/247560

About Pulsewave
Pulsewave is a monthly series of music events at NYC's The Tank. It was founded in 2006 in association with 8BITPEOPLES, a collective of artists sharing a common love for classic videogames, and various like minded individuals. Pulsewave focuses on innovated, experimental and lo-fi music, with an emphasis on the burgeoning neo/retro art scene around Chip music. Featuring various audio and visual artists, both oddly familiar and stunningly innovative, every Pulsewave provides a look at some of the newest and most exciting members of the scene, in a affordable and newcomer friendly atmosphere. Open mikes, workshops, and QA screenings of works provide an accessible entryway to this exciting and culturally rich modern retro movement. Follow @Pulsewave on Twitter!

About The Tank
Founded in 2003, The Tank is a Manhattan based non-profit arts presenter. Curating across all disciplines, The Tank provides an artistic home to both new and established artists who are engaged in the pursuit of new ideas. Combining free performance space, subsidized rehearsal space, discounted ticket prices and promotional support; the Tank brings quality programming to a new generation of audience for live performance, civic discourse, and the work of emerging artists. The Tank is accepting donations towards The Next Tank here: http://do.nr/2sX


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

the music is actually pretty good, but i was seriously taking a chance in listening after seeing the comic sans and another "dj" name.

rule of story, don't judge music by its font.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

was under the sheets WDUWSTS ? if not, it still rules. and beta psycho still stands strong as one of my favorite chip music releases, period.

hope the new direction you're heading in involves more piggy // nanoloop stuff because this shit is BEASTLY.

i thought the album art said straight fresh.. because exploits is straight fresh.