Cool. Thanks.

It'd be nice if I could change the title to: WTB-(NON-usb) flashed LSDJ carts(any era)!

Kitsch Bent flashed the cart for me, & was really great answering questions about the return of the two EMS smart carts they sold me. I'm pretty sure it's the limited run or any NON-usb flashed emulator carts I'm looking for. I'm not worried about not having a usb port. In fact, it's one of the things I do like about nanoloop(using a flash instead). Looks like I'm just gonna have to daily save everything to my DAW/sampler!

Hello. Looking to buy an ORIGINAL LSDJ cart. (Apparently, the software on the emulator carts are not robust enough for my computers & only crashes them) If there are any Old school carts lying around, or if you have any suggestions as to lsdj emulator carts that are safer than the ems usb 64 carts, I would be happy to trade and/or pay handsomely.