ill trade you one
also i have a X-treme metal purple shell with link cover


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Try writing the ROM to the cart, then reading it back and sending that to me. Perhaps also send me the sav.

[my username]

yeah ill do that right now


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well this started happening the other day when i was making a track
Everything was fine then i started realizing that it was skipping every time i went left or right.
So i saved it turned it off then opened it, cleaned the contact and the little black pad under the button and tried again.
Then i turned it back on to see if it was still happening and it wasn't.
After a while it happened again so i thought it was the save file.
So i went to the menu and started a new track and it was still happening and there was a 00 on the PU1 channel.
I tried this on 3 GBs so it cant be all of them that weren't working so it had to be the rom or the cart so i went to my computer plugged in the cart and put the latest version on to see if it was that and still the same problem.
so i don't know what to do any suggestions?
View My Video


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

RG wrote:

Paper tracking (via stagediver) into wordpad, BITCHES:

you should try graph paper notebooks

Screamforme99 wrote:

<img src="Ride-the-Lifetrain.png">

Guess not lol

but does anyone know why 8bc is like down cause i havent been able to access it today
just a question
... dont worry support both sites

how mch for the gb camera


(2 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)


Want to find a really heavy bassy kick sound...Help me out?


(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)

How would you load these roms put them on a flash cart or somthing?
ad i have a request for PersonBoy or PRSN

Are you willing to sell the greyboy?