Oh neat


(1 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Hey yalls.  Had my first set a week or so ago doing gfx for minusbaby
(2 is 1 and 1 is 2)


Looking for feedback in general, I'm limited a bit by my choice of platform (Mac Plus) has only 2 colors and limited mix modes, everything is done in software via the QuickDraw API invented by Bill Atkinson (bit pimp (old school))

I'm thinking more zooms and possibly some 3d shit.  Any thoughts?  I also subbed in for a bit during Goferboy's set but those are a bit more raw (unrehearsed)


Thanks in advance

Well that was some good fun.

tharrrrrr she goes

shut up and take my money... please?

Sold out?  dayum


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ermmmmm idk how to embed.  http://youtu.be/CrruSboN1bQ

Disregard.  The buy page is in an https iframe.

No https? hmm


(28 replies, posted in Releases)

please upload your first song, it's kind of the saddest song I've ever  heard..