
Hey yalls.  Had my first set a week or so ago doing gfx for minusbaby
(2 is 1 and 1 is 2)

Looking for feedback in general, I'm limited a bit by my choice of platform (Mac Plus) has only 2 colors and limited mix modes, everything is done in software via the QuickDraw API invented by Bill Atkinson (bit pimp (old school))

I'm thinking more zooms and possibly some 3d shit.  Any thoughts?  I also subbed in for a bit during Goferboy's set but those are a bit more raw (unrehearsed)

Thanks in advance

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I really like the visuals, absolutely beautiful work!

My personal thought is it could perhaps benefit from having hints of realism, e.g. having a (stylized) face/figure emerge from the abstract layers. Maybe adding some kind of parallaxing to it might work out well too, to exploit the 'layers' a bit more.
The black and white sometimes feels a bit limited, but i understand your software causes this. Perhaps it might be an idea to have a 'video-mixer' on top of that device to distort and play around with the RGB a bit.

Here's a possible example of what i ment with 'stylized face/figure' (by Ben Kelley)

Last edited by Sander von Focus (Oct 15, 2012 10:10 am)