(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Hi Guys,

I'm still stubbornly refusing to allow a PC into my live rig.  Now, PC based MIDI patching is pretty easy, but I want to be able to do this in hardware ideally.  I have a feeling if I start plugging-unplugging MIDI patchcables between songs it's going to get a bit boring, and there is bound to be an occasion where I forget how a certain song is patched.

Ideally I'd love a rack which I can just save a load of presets too, one for each song for example.

I'm aware of the MOTU MTP AV, which seems to do all I want, but they're damn expensive even second hand.  The only other one I've seen is the MID Patchbay from MIDITool, but that doesn't support MIDI Merge (which I assume means I can't have one port as a MIDI Thru)

SO!  What other solutions are there?  Searching ebay for "MIDI Patchbay" comes back with zero results >_<


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Scottish Fold FTW


(20 replies, posted in Past Events)

Dauragon wrote:
nordloef wrote:

Fucking insane!

That boy's got the devil in him.

Looks like it's trying to get out of him too!  U seen the Exorcist? LULZ!


(20 replies, posted in Past Events)

That rocks so hard I need to hold on to something...


(20 replies, posted in Past Events)

Carnage indeed

Apologies if this is a repost, but this rocks :


Good skills *notworthy*


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 is taking us there


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Now you get get to the best/only good bit of 8bc straight from Google.  How did they know?  XD

(OK, so I know discussing 8BC is usually a no-no, but I had to share)

motone wrote:
BitPop wrote:

I don't think the MC-303 can trigger external sounds either.

What do you mean? Of course the MC-303 can trigger external MIDI stuff. Or did you mean sampling?

Technically, maybe it can.  But it's not very flexible.  There's only 8 channels for starters and it doesn't transmit knob data >_<

I don't think the MC-303 can trigger external sounds either.  I think they only added that with the 505 or 808.  303 was pretty poor outing really.  I think alot of people bought it thinking it was like ReBirth in a box sad

I use a RM1x.  Not a drum machine par-se, it's a groove box.  But it does have plenty of kits including a 909, 808 and some phat d&b kits. There's a decent FX bank, filters etc,  so you can mess with the sounds quite alot.  There are 16 tracks which you can mute/unmute at will, you can save mute presets too which is useful.  Each style has 16 sections, which can concist of as many bars as you like.  The real joy is that you can take a song straight form your sequencer, export to MIDI, then import it straight into the RM1x, then you can chop it up into sections.  Makes the journey from studio to live much easier!

You can see mine in action on my recent video http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/46189  smile

EDIT : Oh, and mine only cost me £30 cool


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Having a bit of fun yesterday morning


Seems to have made it onto the front page of the MIDIBox blog too smile


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The Groovetubes speaker looks amazing, wish I had an excuse to buy one! cool


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

tRasH cAn maN wrote:

My conclusion is that the noise character of say a dmg, spreads too evenly across the frequency band for an "intelligent" noise reducer to be of any interest. Shaving off noise from the silent parts does however reduce the perception of a noisy signal.

If only you could get Waves X-Noise as a stomp box. It works a treat even with a standard noisy-as-hell DMG heart


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I think any of these will do a better job than a noise gate.

Decimator : http://www.isptechnologies.com/index.ph … ;Itemid=63
Boss NS-2 : http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetai … ductId=151
Behringer NR 300: http://www.behringer.co.uk/EN/Products/nr300.aspx

EDIT : OK, you did say this in your last post.....I should learn to pay more attention.   Interested to know how the NR300 works out.


(32 replies, posted in Audio Production)

lucasmarmitt wrote:

waves Rvox plugin.

Not got this yet....might have to put it on my Christmas list

Vocal Rider

Not done the prosound mod yet (I have the parts, I'm just lazy).   So X-Noise is a godsend.  Works well on my C64C too. Well...pretty much anything really. Even my Joe Meek compressor which has got a bit buzzy since I replaced the AC/AC wall wart sad