(9 replies, posted in Releases)



(9 replies, posted in Releases)



(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Mrwimmer wrote:

Bleeding Cowboy or bust.


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

Bit wish wrote:

Can some one answer my question now?

I promise as soon as we know, you'll know.


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

Downstate wrote:

Monstervision is shit balls amazing

Fixed that for you.


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

Everyone has to do a Gangam Style cover. That's the main requirement to play BRKfest.


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

Double post edit!
Artists added to original post!


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

nickmaynard wrote:
egr wrote:

If my inside information is correct, with somewhere between 32 and 35 chipmusicians lined up to play the main stage and the Datathrash pre-show, this will be the biggest chip lineup in history.  That's not including any after parties and ancillary events (only because I don't know about them).

35 chip musicians, dear god. rochester chip fest was an insane amount of work and that was only 9 bands.

good luck and godspeed!

We'll need every bit of it, haha!
But hey, we had 27 artists last year and 100+ attendees, so hopefully things'll go just as smoothly this year! XD


(75 replies, posted in Past Events)

egr wrote:

If my inside information is correct, with somewhere between 32 and 35 chipmusicians lined up to play the main stage and the Datathrash pre-show, this will be the biggest chip lineup in history.  That's not including any after parties and ancillary events (only because I don't know about them).

Go big or go home, sir.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

µB wrote:

Live set would be difficult, him in Texas, me in Germany.. I don't even have a laptop hmm

Distance ain't no thang. (I mean... it IS a thing... QUITE an issue really... but, you know what they say, "Go hard or go home".)
Anyway, I'm going to give myself a little while to come back to reality before I think about this again, hahhaa.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

SKGB wrote:

OH ahwesome! If only there was some way for you guys to do a live set together ....

You may have just given me an idea... Ooooo....


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

God Bless "Let's Get Facundo'd".


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

IBM Cable Technician, haha.


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Good idea! I'll work on one tonight!


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If there is already a list like this, I apologize but I couldn't find it.

Anyway! One thing I'd REALLY love to know is who/where are the people/places to count on and talk to when trying to set up shows or even a tour! If you promote chip shows or know of a venue that enjoys having them, post it below!!

As for myself, I throw quite a few shindigs in Lexington, Ky.
My frequently used venues are:

Al's Bar
Cosmic Charlie's
The B4$$ment

I know the Cincinatti crew (AndaruGO, SPRY) often throw shows at the bar "Rake's End", so that'd be a good lead, too!

Post your leads and maybe we can set up a nice tour circuit!!


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

What genres are you looking for?