Mmm. Rechargeable batteries it is. Considering the amount of batteries I'd go through otherwise, it only makes sense. My family's always had something against them though, so I don't think of them very often...

While I'm here, does anyone know if there's a solution to the low rumbling noise that occurs whenever you press a button in LSDJ with headphones connected? It can be a tiny bit annoying...

Mmm, figured that might have been the problem, seeing as it was getting dimmer with time. Just seems to be happening much quicker than I'd like...which I guess I should expect with the backlight using up extra battery power.

Thanks for the clarification, though!

Now, I'm going to assume this is a battery issue, but my abundant lack of electronics/modding/game boy knowledge means I don't really know what to do about it. I can certainly turn up the contrast while playing music, but that can get to be a pain, and is not a very nice solution.

Specific details: This is a Game Boy Pocket (as you can see), with nonfinite electronics' V5 backlight with Varia5uit mod installed (the normal magenta option for the Pocket). A very poor installation, but it sorta works. I'm running LSDJ in an EMS 64M USB Cartridge.

Anyone who knows what they're doing have some advice?

A belated hello to CM.O from a belated account!

I've had this account for a few years, but I never really used it. Once upon a time I followed danooct1's Famitracker tutorial and replicated a few Kirby songs with the software and his advice. Started making my own stuff, but it was strange and didn't go far (not that I dislike it). More recently had another attempt at Famitracker and made a few actually music-sounding songs. Even more recently, I took a leap and got a backlight and LSDJ for my Game Boy Pocket. Like, just put it together yesterday, recent.

I hope to do some cool things with all of this music technology now, and thought, "you know, let's try that whole socialization thing. I hear it can be nice." I'll mostly lurk and ask silly beginner questions though.