(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think mine is unquestionably virt's "Staring At My Spaceship"

This song made me feel okay with making more light and poppy music vs. a lot of the harder dance stuff a lot of chip bros put out.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

My debut release (that isn't a horrible goof on how I didn't understand witchhouse music) is upon us!  Get hype for big dumb poppy kazoo pizza chiptunes.

This EP is composed of tunes that I thought were a lot of fun that wouldn't fit on my upcoming full-length, "Bug Spray".  As an album, it doesn't have much structure, but I think there's some fun stuff on it, from originals to a few covers of some of my favorite jams.

I have never tried to mix something before this and I wanted to do it all myself, so I'm aware the mix may be a little inconsistent and the vocals may not sound too wonderful at places, but I'm proud of how this came out.  And I hope I can take this knowledge into making my next release better, but as for now, I hope you guys enjoy this!

It's available here on Bandcamp for "pay what you want" (aka free as mess), and if you like it, please share it with someone.

Sick album art by Kaigetsudo.

I deliver pizza and then come home and make pizza chiptunes.


(126 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What up, what up.