(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

4mat wrote:

surprised it's not in there, it's easy to code for the first two channels at least.  bit more brutal for the other two obv.

srs qstn

Would it not be just as easy for the noise channel as it was for the pulse channels?  Obviously I'm thinking that because the noise channel has an envelope setting like pulse instruments do, that it would be similar... is that not the case?  Just wondering.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can't actually book them at that point... from reading BP's post I figured it was more like, "ask if they'd be interested in playing a show in the general timeframe and explain you're trying to set a legit one up," and then go from there.

EDIT: sniped while I was actually reading BP's post


(28 replies, posted in Past Events)

holy shit...

18 hours


(29 replies, posted in Releases)



(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What about when Chip flirts with pop superstars????

I'm up for the Challenge

... also chunter are you a vocaloP?

btw it's 220%

that's a lot

@Silph Scope - jisho.org for specific words; I hate looking through my dictionaries man, I almost never use mine lol

chunter wrote:

Well done, I was going to suggest なにを取れるは取るできます。 for take what you can take...

Ah, I've edited that one on mine... 取る isn't a "ru-verb" and I forgot that so the form would be as you said "取れる", so thanks for that;

still, you've mashed together a lot of words without a real subject... your phrase is impossible to make sense of... I tried, and got "what you can take is able to take" but that's just me forcing a weird translation.

If you want super accurate Japanese, OP, try sending a PM to Cheapshot.  ... and maybe have him look over our translations lolololol

I did what I could and then translated them back into English for comparison with the original phrase, after looking over Silph Scope's work.

2% 人間の意味は間違う (lit. "the meaning of humans is to be mistaken/to make mistakes)
another way to say it might be... 2% 間違うのは人間みたい (lit. "it's like a human to make mistakes/be mistaken")
OR you might say it like this... 2% 人間方は間違う (lit. "the way of humans is to be mistaken/make mistakes")

It's easy to think of multiple ways to say it when you don't actually have to "say" it but they should all give the same idea... this one was the hardest one IMO because there are tons of ways to translate it

10% 取れる事を取る (lit. "take the things you are able to take")

Silph Scope, I took a look at your other ones... I think this one should be:

33% 彼女の中の獣(lit. "the beast inside her")

and I finished this one for you:

11% キュリオシティとアドベンチャー  - この世界の小さいと大きい驚異を探る (lit. Curiosity and Adventure - to explore the small and big wonders of this world)


(20 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

that would actually be a pretty good tweet for the top... good work solarbear


(20 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

~they do what they want~

Ah, if it's just the corners then I'm almost positive I'll grab it eh

PM me later with the pics so we don't have to bump the thread anymore.

eh good deal probs, I can't open up pics where I am but you got a pic of the bending?

How bad is it?

How much for shipping to PA brah, I'll buy it off ya if shipping ain't bad.

Make a good present for my pops


(13 replies, posted in Releases)



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