(0 replies, posted in Releases)


https://soundcloud.com/onethreethree/se … am-i-doing

and yes the intro to the first song will probably turn you off, but give it a chance

PianoGameboy wrote:

Use it as a midi controller, or as a game controller?

Use the gameboy as a controller to move around in an emulator : )


I really enjoy tracking with LSDJ. I really like computing with my netbook. I want to combine the two, but how? Well my initial thought was to find a "USB Gameboy Controller", but not to my surprise there were none (basically, the bottom half of the Gameboy would be used as a controller). My next idea was, why not modify LSDJ so it feels like a terminal program?

*Skip to the real question*
Currently I find the fonts used in LSDJ are just not pleasing, with the exception of kiko which is bareable. How can I replace these with say, the Terminus font (bitmap font), or proggy fonts (more bitmap fonts)?

Well, this is the result of 3 songs that I truly put my heart and soul into. Enjoy chiptune folks : )

https://soundcloud.com/onethreethree/se … l-down-the


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Yes! Niiiice! Even though it is fakebit, gotta say, love the clean feel.


Thanks guys : )

To play around; See what happens? : )

How would I switch to 4MHz mode? : P Or do DMG games run faster on CGBs?

Or at ~4MHz?...If it's at 4, how do I "switch" to 8?

More info:
Clock Speed: 4.194304 MHz
(4.295454 SGB, 4.194/8.388MHz GBC)

Source: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v& … DemnDMbH-Q

nice, thank you : ) i actually am aiming for that raw 1 gameboy feel, so thanks for confirming my progressive success. glad you like it!

when i get that feeling and i need some chipmusical healing

I think I'm improving.
http://soundcloud.com/onethreethree/2-p … s-0-things

Well, here's my latest song that I've pumped out of my CGB. I've taken all the criticism from over the past month and have tried my hardest to create something with a little more structure and dynamic melody.

This is the first time I've also tried adding a bit of gain + bass boost to my music. Also utilized a technique to get rid of background noise generated by my CGB too.


Enjoy! : ) And please leave any comments pertaining to where I could improve or where I did well!

Wow! Can't get enough of "A fucked up fairytale". The light feeling to it is just something different...

Theta_Frost wrote:

Anything specific you want feedback on?

Anything that you think needs improving such as melodies, instrumentation, etc.

VCMG wrote:

You're not helping your reputation by retorting like that. Just type like a respectable person and don't tyyyyyyyppppeeee lliiiiiiiikkkeeeeee tttthhhhhiiiiiiisssss

The point of the title was to attract people and it worked. Didn't mean to sound like a bastard or anything. : )

Anyways, thanks for the feedback. Yeah I've been trying to add more melody or bassline stuff to make them sound fuller but I find I just can't get it. I guess I'll try smoothing it out like you said and turning down the other channels. As for structure, I sometimes find that it's too easy to make it /too/ structured, know what I mean? Should I just go with it? Other than that, thanks again for the feedback. : )