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Search options (Page 5 of 8) / Forums / Posts by TrebleChild
Topics by TrebleChild
Posts found: 65-80 of 118
It might be an extra day and a borrowed comp for mine if yalls willing to wait on mine I just threw it in cus its what I had in the time frame. I'll see aboutgetting an actual recording done tho thanks for the support though gents!
Edit:for the love of all that is holy keep the corgis coming
Damn computers dont want to work with me all i have is a phone recording
I feel like im missing out on something 
Sick stuff man lets see how you like mine (upload coming)
Shhh youre ruining the moment
Haha cool beans ill do my best good sir
Uh well i just realized youd be hearing shoddy soundcloud recordings my comp is down atm if thats no bother
Perfect time to start this, lets kick this ish to 8(bit)! Aka im down.
Huh an whats the time frame? Respond in a few days week or doesnt mattr (soft cap on a day or two)
So riffing off of it requires .sav trades or just good old hearing
Justin you have clearcases?
Done! Good luck! To her i mean 
Totes a bummer about your holes man i wish i knew someone selling cases to help you out.
Vile wrote:How much would you be willing to spend? That may help someone part with the case as well. Also, if you're having trouble finding one within your reasonable price range I can keep an eye out on my daily ebay scrounge.
Daily ebay scrunge usually finds me finding an actual clearboy for an exuberant amount of cash. Part of me feels sad that people actually purchase gameboys for any price higher than $30 (I'm talking unmodded too) clearboys are kind of understandable but I'm holding off to when kitsch (hopefully) brings out custom clear DMG cases (my speculation is based off of the voting done on his site kitsch-bent for the "coming soon" item custom DMG cases).
Posts found: 65-80 of 118 / Forums / Posts by TrebleChild