(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chiptography's pics from Day 1 are up and are gorgeous as usual:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/m_becker/s … 991694244/

The best:

Did anybody take photos at Hexawe All Stars?


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Richard Alexander Caraballo: The hardest working man in Chiptunes.

All you angry young men just need some wine, a cigarette, and a lovely bit of woman. Relax, for Christ's sake.

Unicorn Dream Attack wrote:

This is pretty much what cTrix did at Blip.


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

there are stupid people who thinks that the gameboy must be pretty.

I think everything is nicer if its pretty. I'm personally not a big fan of silver buttons on a game boy - largely because they look totally out of place.

But on the other hand... I was talking with a friend the other day about what it would be like to have game boys in cases of wood, porcelain, or lacquered and painted papier mache. I really don't think standard game boys look very nice (in fact I think they're positively ugly,) but that's mainly because I always prefer other materials to plastic. It's obviously all a matter of taste, and I understand the impracticalities of having a game boy made of the above materials, but I would like looking at it in my hands more than an ugly utilitarian box in that dull shade of grey and I'm sure it would be fine as long as one was careful with it.

I'll defend the silver buttons not on aesthetic grounds but on the basis that I'm for anybody trying new things to make their instruments more beautiful. People buy expensive guitars not only because they sound better but very often because they love the way they look as well. Some of us really care about things being visually pleasing and I don't think we're stupid for that.

I'd like to see people with an artistic bent really start thinking of innovative new things to change the look of the rather plain game boy. After all, we're already using it for a purpose other than that for which it was created, why not craft it to suit our own taste? Imagine carved game boys, game boys in fantastically odd shapes, game boys bound in cloth or leather... the possibilities are genuinely infinite.


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm so old my jokes are already classics.


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lots of people seem to be recycling my old ones or variants thereof.


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nap Time Hexcellent


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Magic Hammock


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Boudica Shoujo Koubou


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

C'mon guys. I've gone historical. Keep up.


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Chester A. Arthur Keenes Band


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lord Byronamanaguchi
King Arthur Keenes Band


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zen Pterodactyl


(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Br1ght Primitive