(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2PLAYER wrote:

The lights should flash when a note is played on whichever channel. Are you in the right mode?

I believe I was in mGB mode, but I also tried every other mode. The lights would only flash when I changed modes (not flash, but light up in sequence)

Also- should the lights light up when just the gameboy is plugged in?


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I need some help troubleshooting midi in- what should the lights be doing if I just plug a regular midi keyboard into it and play a few notes?


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

2PLAYER wrote:

posted this a while back on my blog:
http://2playermusic.tumblr.com/post/703 … arduinoboy
it has a easier to follow diagram, at least for me

Thanks, that helped a great deal


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

edit: all of these issues resolved, still troubleshooting

I'm about to start building an arduinoboy, and I was wondering if anyone has ever built one with something other than the nano or the uno?

I was wondering if specifically the Fio was a possibility?

The issue I see with it is that it only has a 3.3 volt output, which I didn't know if that would make it usable even if the resistors were changed?

Thanks for any insight you can provide


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

You can, if you jailbreak it and download an emulator via Cydia.

Have you tried using it? I can't see the interface being too easy to use through an iPhone / iPod

I'd recommend using a DS because that's less likely to get screwed up

I personally use a DMG, but back that shit up on the daily.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Black Moth super Rainbow
My Little Airport
massive attack


(46 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Here's some of my stuff.

I love the look of gif compression


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the google code page, and there's a schematic, with a partial part list

akira^8GB wrote:

Did you read my message about MSSIAH?

yes, I was on my phone when I posted that last comment and messages weren't working. They are now.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defiantsystems wrote:

I'm packing to move tomorrow!

I got my first gameboy because the realtor my parents chose when we moved told me I could have $100 if I could keep my room spotless until our house sold. I was a messy child, but the house sold in 4 hours. Bought a GBC, Pokémon blue, and Gex the Gecko.

DMG is spoken for, half clock speed crystal is up for grabs.

Hey, I'm looking to downsize some of my chip stuff that I've decided I'm not that into. I can't post pictures yet, but I will once I get back from my final in about an hour or two.

Powerpack, Mssiah, and DMG are potentially spoken for.

3. Completely unworking C64, with 6581 sid chip. It blackscreened before I got it, never got it working because I didn't have the patience.

4. Recently working / intermittently working C64 with 6581 sid chip. Was working when I got it, then started black screening almost as soon as I took it home.

5. Two C64 floppy drives.

6. Crystal for underclocking DMG

I'm looking for a LSDJ midi interface,  or a midi enabled gameboy. I'd also take any working flash carts that aren't EMS 32 carts. I'll also take monetary offers.

Feel free to ask questions here, or PM me.

I will also be posting pictures shortly

Could you post the model of that mixer?


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

I'm interested


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

This is pretty awesome, and I love your avatar