(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

its not always a matter of the pa being an afterthought though, i've played spots that werent the best in terms of upkeep to the bar itself, but had more than adequate soundsystems. with the price of pro audio gear being as low as it is in this economy, you do see more places having decent gear these days, and if you dont inquire about that, then theres no reason to complain, especially if you are just looking for a show. it really depends on the spot and another big factor that ties into the equipment is how often they run shows, whether they see enough revenue to justify spending money on new house equipment, the size of the venue, and here we go down the rabbit hole.

you've got whoever was setting up the pa system in the club and whether or not they thought to use separate amps for l/r channels, or amps that do stereo, thats the dealbreaker of the equation. then you have the issue of competent soundguys who are able to roll with the punches and go to extra lengths to help you sort out the sound issues, which is why i suggest always talking to the soundguy when you first get to the gig. of course, the biggest issue next to whether stereo is even a possibility is whether or not you punish the soundguy during setup/soundcheck and how willing he is to work with you. its my feelings that if you are playing in a place that is bigger than ~100-150 capacity or so, you are shortchanging the audience by doing stuff in stereo.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shouldnt have to run in mono? if a club's system is mono, its mono. there is no 'shouldnt have to' when stereo isnt an option. unfortunately for you this is how most clubs are. its like expecting itunes to run an .ogg.

the more you play out, the more you will see that you are making things difficult on the soundguy by expecting a stereo setup or that they can handle it. i cant totally speak for him, but im sure if you asked, dino would say that being a soundguy is one of the most thankless jobs you could have. why make things more difficult for the person doing the sound who is most likely getting paid a shit wage, who is in control of your sound and put them in a position where they cant do their job adequately? i personally wouldnt punish the guy who is just trying to do his job by throwing him a curveball like that when theres not much of a benefit to running stereo in the first place. that doesnt mean you shouldnt ask them questions and ask for more of whatever in your monitor or to turn up this or that, it means you're expecting too much of something that isnt necessarily the way they do things, and its going to be different whereever you go.

when you hear live music, there isnt really a point of reference for the people in the crowd that they can experience a stereo image. more often than not when youre in the crowd, you're standing on one side of the stage or the other. there can be dead spots in a room, the club could have already tried it, they might not be set up wattagewise to do it. whatever the reason, and more often than not, the soundguy, and the performer on the stage are really the only ones in the club that can benefit from something being in stereo, because you and the soundguy are the only ones in the club that are squarely between the left and the right channels. this is how it works unless you are playing in a place with a ridiculous soundsystem, or a small sound system. your best bet would be to talk to the soundguys when you get there and ask them if they run in stereo, and if they say no, to run your stuff in mono.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

try amyl nitrate in the future. dunno how it'll work on plastics tho, it should be fine tho. maybe try with a tester first. it could be awful, no clue. amyl nitrate is arguably better to use on components, i guess its also good for recreational use as well.


(7 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

yea, those colors for it are real vibrant. seems like aliens and robocop and maybe some of those renegades were really solid for it, im just wondering if theres any standout soundtracks on it that are on the level of some of these demos i see. what region seems to have the most amstrad guys working still, probably poland right?


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i dont see where he offered advice. the first thing he said is 'youve been being drugged for way too long, thats tragic'. thats not advice, thats a opinion that just adds insult to injury. and when on top of that you assume and say 'well, you must have suffered brain damage', there is no way that isnt hurtful.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you are fucking still doing it yo, fucking bow out of the discussion and


(7 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

lets talk about the amstrad cpc a little bit. i've been checking out some demos for this thing in the past few days and it seems like its pretty good, and that maybe its even got some life in it now with people developing for it. sort of surprised that theres no thread for this thing here yet.

anybody familiar enough with it to point out some of the better game soundtracks for this unit? personally i like the sound of this thing, its got a little freshy freshy to it that some of these demos are showing off nicely, but from what i can tell the music in games mighta left a little to be desired. any really solid gems on this thing?

dat scroller @ the beginning rulez


(12 replies, posted in Past Events)

what do you mean by the power grid, it uses different voltage? or they just suck a ton of power there with everything else? sounds very awesome. if i were over that way i would certainly be there.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:
tempsoundsolutions wrote:

you're doing it again.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

you're doing it again.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you're doing it again.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you are doing it again. bow out of the thread in the name of good taste.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defPREMIUM wrote:

it is not a good idea for people to be giving medical advice or opinions on this thread

If I have an argument, I am going to make it. If you think said argument is incorrect, you can present your evidence to the contrary. That is how intelligent debate works. If you consider it wrong to do that, then I seriously question the rationality of your thinking.

outright telling someone they've suffered brain damage is not debate. telling someone they're in a neverending state of drug reliance is not debate. saying someones condition has been exaggerated, its not debate. being a punisher is not debate. you are new here, it might do you a little bit of good to tone your opinions down a little bit if after three days you feel you are entitled to be this vocal. the thread is about the op and what can be done to help him.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

i dont normally like dancier stuff, but this one does it for me, very nice.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

if you did that and he put it up that it'd be a good way to get yourself about 20 listens of your music, imagine that! wink

the way i see it, he never offered this up and had a huge amount of material there. why do that? why not promote it? because he didnt want people to know? its shady. he never made it known that he even had this channel on this forum or anywhere else from what i can tell, so its kind of shady and obsessive and shady creepy after talking to this guy, he gives me a pretty shady vibe. speaking of shady, looks like he removed a substantial amount of people's music like he said he would, probably because he knows he did something wrong...even though he's still rambling on like a robot in my inbox saying he doesnt think he did anything wrong. he said my complaining was analogous to him giving a copy of my music to one of his friends, instead of directing them to a website. instead, its more like putting a copy of his entire music collection online for all of his friends, because thats what it was, was it not? ahaha. dont answer that! let this thread sink to the bottom or close this shit.

anyway, im out. cristian, you're a weird jerk. ask people from now on if you're going to run your channel. this is chipmusic, theres no reason for you to have a channel like that and not ask people for submissions.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

enough about the licensing.