if people are getting upset, thats unfortunate. but its hard to not be at least disappointed due to how easy it is to connect with people nowadays. it looks like you guys are getting wound up over the legal aspects of it when its more of matter of being courteous. this guy was a dick about it but still removed the songs and im sure he will for anyone who approaches him, so its whatever.
when i started releasing and distributing music, it was a matter of having to write people who ran labels letters, corresponding a bit, getting someone's phone number to open up an easier dialog with them to find out how to get a hold of people in bands. thats just how it went, and it was like this for many people and certainly still is for people who dont have internet access in other countries. there was incentive to help labels with distribution and things were of course much more simple, because you had to wait and see. there was no youtube or internet beyond lynx and gopher and newsgroups and i guess webcrawler if you were really lucky and you relied on getting in touch with people the old fashioned way, through the phone or mail, it took time. theres no excuse to not take the steps nowadays when they are as easy to do as they are.
if anybody would go through the effort put into that channel in a scene this small and not contact the artists, then its more of a matter of making that guy's intentions known to this community so that theres no transparency, im not saying that its sneaky or something. but either way it isnt exactly working with people when it could benefit everybody and i wanted to put this guy on blast after his less than courteous messages so people can see that he isnt concerned with the artist, he's concerned with the success of his youtube channel. the 'wait and see' ethic that i experienced back in my earlier years is put into effect here in reverse because its a matter of whether or not someone protests in this streaming-driven environment that artists have no choice but to coexist in on the internet.
as far as me releasing remixes is concerned, i contact people and let em know my intent, thats the first thing i do because i dont want to piss anybody off. sorry, i didnt get in touch with rdj. im pretty sure he will be ok with it consider he never wanted to cop to analord to begin with. ive done video game remixes for more than ten years now and if i could contact those guys, i would. several of these composers have contacted me and encouraged me to continue at it, ive even worked with some of them as a result of that correspondence too. the big difference is that i have established myself by being forthcoming and enjoyed getting in touch with people over the years and done a smattering of work, much less remixes. either way, remixes are very different from taking someone's audio, putting a static image into vegas and uploading it and calling it good.