(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

when you upload material to bandcamp, its all the same license. you dont get to choose. this line of though about the licensing has less to do with qb's using that to his advantage as kind of a safety net to avoid that he should perhaps feel a bit morally obligated to ask people for their blessing with his channel, which honestly would have gotten the word out about what he was doing in a more positive fashion, right? otherwise, why is he taking down people's work now? i had never heard of his channel, who else here had?

now he maybe feels like he has no other choice to do what he should have done in the beginning and ask artists if they're ok with it because i said something about it in a public forum and because i had no clue who it even was. anyone who had worked with pause in particular as closely as i had maybe would have felt a little bit weird to see a lions share of its discography uploaded to youtube too. that in itself turns any sense of community on its ear when someone would have a channel with that much material up with little to no contact with the artists who made it or anything.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

thanks for the reasonable replies here to those of you who cared to be constructive about it. hopefully something can be gleaned here that will avoid any future disagreements regarding appropriation of people's creative output.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

see, you are clearly way too entitled for your own good, and beyond the wishes of the artists.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

qb wrote:

tempsoundsolutions When you mentioned you contacted other artists I had a feeling you made a topic here.

Like I told you, I didn't think uploading the content was a problem (still don't) since CC licenses (most of the time) allow distribution. I also credited the artists, I even posted links to their pages and stuff (when I was able to find them). Your music does seem to be released under a CC license. The album you mentioned linked me (link is at the bottom of the page) to a CC license page from Bandcamp. When you uploaded this album on Bandcamp you chose that particular license (maybe unintentionally).

Having read some of the replies here I decided to delete most of the videos on the channel (it will take a while).

you're going about things the most roughshod way that you can. privatize the vids, ask artists permission, and after you get the ok, then and only then will you be doing the artists a service and not doing yourself a disservice. its simple. donno what is wrong with you where taking that step seems so foreign.

if you have a philosophy that you are entitled to do what you feel is best for the artists because of attribution, perhaps consider their wishes more than your own and contact them now and in the future. anybody who wishes to do what you are trying to do should do the same and i think you would be surprised with how many artists would be willing to work with you. your lack of communication all across the board and correspondence as well as how you handle this moving forward is more than enough evidence that you are making more work for yourself and that is really where my problems with this come from. these artists deserve a say when it is more than easy to contact them.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

if people are getting upset, thats unfortunate. but its hard to not be at least disappointed due to how easy it is to connect with people nowadays. it looks like you guys are getting wound up over the legal aspects of it when its more of  matter of being courteous. this guy was a dick about it but still removed the songs and im sure he will for anyone who approaches him, so its whatever.

when i started releasing and distributing music, it was a matter of having to write people who ran labels letters, corresponding a bit, getting someone's phone number to open up an easier dialog with them to find out how to get a hold of people in bands. thats just how it went, and it was like this for many people and certainly still is for people who dont have internet access in other countries. there was incentive to help labels with distribution and things were of course much more simple, because you had to wait and see. there was no youtube or internet beyond lynx and gopher and newsgroups and i guess webcrawler if you were really lucky and you relied on getting in touch with people the old fashioned way, through the phone or mail, it took time. theres no excuse to not take the steps nowadays when they are as easy to do as they are.

if anybody would go through the effort put into that channel in a scene this small and not contact the artists, then its more of a matter of making that guy's intentions known to this community so that theres no transparency, im not saying that its sneaky or something. but either way it isnt exactly working with people when it could benefit everybody and i wanted to put this guy on blast after his less than courteous messages so people can see that he isnt concerned with the artist, he's concerned with the success of his youtube channel. the 'wait and see' ethic that i experienced back in my earlier years is put into effect here in reverse because its a matter of whether or not someone protests in this streaming-driven environment that artists have no choice but to coexist in on the internet.

as far as me releasing remixes is concerned, i contact people and let em know my intent, thats the first thing i do because i dont want to piss anybody off. sorry, i didnt get in touch with rdj. im pretty sure he will be ok with it consider he never wanted to cop to analord to begin with. ive done video game remixes for more than ten years now and if i could contact those guys, i would. several of these composers have contacted me and encouraged me to continue at it, ive even worked with some of them as a result of that correspondence too. the big difference is that i have established myself by being forthcoming and enjoyed getting in touch with people over the years and done a smattering of work, much less remixes. either way, remixes are very different from taking someone's audio, putting a static image into vegas and uploading it and calling it good.


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(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the main issue i have with this guy is not reaching out to any of the artists. any of the guys that i approached have said that there was no contact from this guy, one of them said at first they were not giving permission and it sounded like the guy pretty much convinced him or plowed him over by holding him dead to rights on the cc crap. and none of them have said they asked him to upload their tunes. he wrote me back with this:

Well, if you don't want your music to be shared this way, then don't release it under a Creative Commons license that allows it. It sounds hypocritical to me to complain about it since you've pretty much officially allowed it. However, I do understand that it is your right to have the music removed. I don't mind that.

I have actually asked for permission to upload some of these artists' music and I have had some artists contact me to upload their music (you are also making assumptions). I generally don't ask for permission because the copyright license allows distribution. People like you get upset (there were a few others that requested the removal of their content, though some of them were more polite) for no reason in my opinion. If your music is known enough someone is going to upload your work (or some of it) on YouTube if they want to share it, at some point it becomes inevitable. You are upset because people do this without your consent, which is once again weird since your license allows it.

his comments are very arrogant because i definitely didnt release that stuff under cc. and its funny that he says i am upset, because i was very straightforward with this guy, certainly not upset. if anything, its pretty frustrating that i tried to make it very clear to him that he owes it to the artist to contact them and not to be assumptive and entitled, but he's not trying to hear it at all. no apologies from him, he's dead set in his opinion that its fine to do whatever he wants and he doesnt need to read the fine print or contact the artist and that it has nothing to do with creative commons or licensing or anything along those lines. thats a catch all excuse he is using which isnt exactly upsetting, but frustrating that he is willing to be so ignorant and unapologetic and while it doesnt affect me in the slightest, others in the future might not be so quick to give him the benefit of the doubt the way he himself should when it comes to what he is doing.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it doesnt net the musicians more traffic, it gets more traffic for the youtube page, even if info is posted with the video. people are lazy. it uses the musicians content to build their own fanbase. if the uploader only put a few songs up from an album, then there would be incentive for the listener to go and seek the releases out where they originated from.

this has less to do with that, and more to do with the fact that any and all of these artists are easy to contact, and most of them if they were approached by this guy with his plans would have a problem with it, i highly doubt some of the artists who have most of/all of their more recent releases on this page would be ok with it. people have their own youtube accounts, and none of these artists need someone else to make the decision on their behalf to upload an entire album, or in some of these cases, several albums, or hell, even all of their albums to youtube.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yes lil baconator


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

this isnt about me, lil boaconstructor. this guy uploaded more than TEN starpilot releases, EIGHT 4mat releases, FIVE OR SIX phlog releases, THREE mauer releases. several animal style releases, four releases by zan. in full. thats at first glance. not talking about a song from each release which might be reasonable to do without tracking down artists and asking permission. its full releases. its pretty silly to think someone would spend that much of their own time doing that but not take the extra time to ask the artists if they are ok with it.

these arent guys who are new to chipmusic and could benefit from this kind of stuff, its established dudes that dont have anything to gain by having their entire albums put up on there, basically an entire netlabel's worth of work too. ive asked around a bit now, and nobody that i asked was approached by this guy. and i really dont care, because i handled it and had the guy remove my stuff from his page. the end result is that the guy is trying to build a youtube channel with other peoples content, not piecemeal, all or nothing. that is a big difference between a song here or a song there.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i personally did not.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im certainly not overreacting, this is more of a matter of bringing it to attention that this channel is pretty active with uploading a lot of people's full works at his discretion, and if others have a problem with it they might want to look into it themselves.

it wasnt just a couple of songs, i wouldnt have said anything if it were. it was a full release (with a bunch of bonus material that isnt available for streaming, which was the first stuff i noticed) as well as material i released on compilations. probably in the area of 40 songs total. if someone puts an entire album of yours on youtube, and you arent really all that into youtube anymore because of the changes they've made and dont wish to support that site, that isnt exactly fair for your work to be represented on youtube, most likely without your consent or even without your knowing.

its really not a big deal to me, im flattered he would go through the effort. if i had that big of a problem with it, i would have flagged his videos and straight up put him on blast, this was a heads up to others who dont wish to support youtube and lazyness it fosters. all the videos on that channel were recently uploaded. it looks like this dude uploaded starpilot's entire discography up there most recently and starpilot was talking about quitting so i cant help but think he isnt making any effort to ask around with people. i think it would do this guy some good to try and make contact with the artists instead of the other way around.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I will remove your content right away. You are wrong about one thing though. Most artists that saw their content on this channel were OK with this, some were actually happy about it. It's not like I make any money from this, I don't monetize on the videos (ads are disabled) and I do this for non-profit purposes only. Also, most of the music I upload is released under a Creative Commons license, which means (most of the time) that you are free to distribute it as long as the artist is credited.

The reason I upload music without permission is that most artists that release this kind of music are OK with it since the type of copyright license allows it, and other times the music is already available for streaming in other places, so no harm is actually done.

seems pretty lazy to just assume people are ok with it instead of at least trying to make a connection with the artist and use some social skills, maybe make a new friend. this scene is small and people are easily approachable when it comes to this kind of thing, so why do people sometimes find it so hard to show support in a way that doesnt shortchange someone else work? even going out of their way to make more work for themselves in this case? seems pretty lazy if you ask me. maybe he feels like if he asked the artists they would say no. either way, somethings messed up here.

i honestly didnt have that big of a problem with it, but the thing that turned me off is seeing full releases beyond of course being assumptive of the artists wishes in uploading someone's entire album in a scene where you can easily contact people. if the guy would have contacted me, i certainly wouldnt have shot him down. the response was as you can see deflecting any responsibility and telling me im wrong and that no harm is actually done isnt really up to him to say. i am going to have to go see my doctor now due to the psychological damage this situation has caused me.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

as i said, its a big difference if someone puts one or two songs of yours up. especially if they're a fan, and if they get in touch with you, thats the considerate thing to do. if they can easily get in contact with you and they put an entire album, or in this case, nearly an entire netlabel's discography online, thats a bit much and a big difference. its really the lack of correspondence and the frequency of putting that much stuff up that i have a problem with.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

anybody know who this person is? they're uploading full releases from many artists and netlabels. didnt ask permission from me and i noticed a full release of mine uploaded to their channel. i dont think this kind of thing is very cool when absolutely no effort is made to contact the artist.

if there are some of you who may feel the same way, you might want to contact this user and ask them to remove your work. just a friendly heads up about this, and i say something because this user is going nuts with their uploads, tons of releases in 3 months and im sure not a single person was asked for permission.


Heosphoros wrote:
kfaraday wrote:

let the musicians make friends

(no more schisms!!)

There's a difference between making friends and alienating a whole community with repeated incoherent subjects that are not contributing at all to the whole of the site.

this is chipmusic.org not aanaaanaaanaaana.net

you seem angry