The new case looks really cool... A white DMG would be incredible (especially with black buttons/screenguard, I think). Will the mold continue to have a non-original speaker grille, going forward? Also curious whether you'll be adding the ridges to the back/battery cover...

Oh, and would you be able to post a shot of the sides and bottom? Just curious to see more of this mystical beast. smile

Bright Primate - Really wish I could have caught your set! Hope I'll get to see you at another show. Enjoyed your input on the panel, certainly. smile

And Kris, you were excellent! Really glad the technical issues were able to be worked out. And the high kicks were sweet. Obvious.

Had a truly awesome time. smile Wish I could have seen more of the performances, but Danimal Cannon and Kris Keyser were both killer! Got to the panel as well. Already looking forward to next year.


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Really enjoying these tutorials... I haven't had much time to sit down and fiddle around with them, but even just reading and listening to your examples is quite inspiring. big_smile Thanks a lot!

That picture makes so much more sense now! It never registered to me why there were three pictures of each color... of course the third one is biverted. How silly of me. tongue Thank you for pointing that out! That makes this picture about as useful a reference as I can get, I'd say...Looks like pink, white, yellow and green are the most contrast-y after biversion. I feel pretty cemented in my choice of green at the moment, given the evidence gathered. Thanks for the question, retrovolvo... the answers provided were helpful to me, too.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Niiiiiiice. Biverted, or no?


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks guys! And thanks for the link, Wilba... your biversion method is super sleek. big_smile Looks a lot more intimidating, honestly, but I guess for the most part it's the same mod with a different inverter...I really like the way you mounted it on the board. I think I'm gonna want to practice soldering something else before I start in on my DMG, though... I bought a spare, but I don't really want to break anything.

Glad to hear the green kits will be back in stock soon, kitsch! I guess I'll be grabbing one soon after they make their return. smile Really looking forward to trying out the EL screens too, in time.


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for the pictures, defiantsystems! The ASM screens look super bright... what do you mean exactly when you say that they're less aesthetically pleasing?

The nonfinite ones also look pretty good, though perhaps these models just photograph better. Does anyone have experience with the newer nonfinites? As opposed to the newer ASM screens that defiant linked?


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks all. smile I think that I'll probably be going with a biverted green on this one... anyone have 2 cents on whether to go Nonfinite or Kitsch/ASM?

Gonna try and make it to friday and saturday, as well as the panel. I'm very much looking forward to it!

Hi there! First post on the forums... been filling my brain with chiptunes for quite some time, and now I'm looking to try my hand at making some sweet bleeps of my own. smile I'm tooling around with LSDJ on my nifty YellowBoy, and I'm really enjoying the results. Naturally, I'm already completely taken with the idea of modding this sucker up big_smile and will be looking into a couple of choice augmentations.

First things first... I'm quite interested in a backlight. The new EL panels kitsch is making look incredible, but I think for my first DMG mod I'm gonna go with an LED panel to avoid the possible whine, and also to possibly get a cool color. Right now, my question for anyone who'd care to answer is: which color of LED panels are the most readable/easy on the eyes? I tried my best to google this, and it looks like green, yellow and white are preferred? I'm headed towards green (LemonLimeBoy?), if it's between the three, but I was also thinking about blue. I think bibin said somewhere that blue was not as readable, though. Any advice/suggestions would be very much appreciated. smile

Oh, and I will be biverting, for sure!