Yea I'm reaching out to other government/state resources tomorrow.

hmm sadly serious.

I'm posting everywhere I can.

Is anyone living in lynnwood/everett area of Washington and need a roomate or have a room? I can paaaaaay!

egr wrote:
Boner wrote:

the application never asks who you are

and what's wrong with circle jerks?

First box is for contact info etc and we just want the biggest circle we can get tongue

Also changed the title to say August instead of 8/14 (as in 8/2014) since the date isn't set yet.

Stoked on this, applied. It will be an excuse to go see my family for a day then drive over there haha.

My years as my ex and I try and fall asleep....

Or unsweetened tea


(40 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I just moved from indiana to Seattle hmm

yikes I got a song and am interested for sure.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey sorry I am not.

Also it sold.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Updated with eBay listing.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)


I love all your releases


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Heosphoros wrote:

My ambition to make a SUNN O))) NES cover band is one step closer!

See I'm not the only one who thought of Sunn O)))
Dooooo it!


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I want on a cart I want Sunn 0)) chip I want


(41 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)


hah! you guys want MORE of my money i see XD

T_T right


(93 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Everyone has a quizzical reaction to it and just nods. Honestly it's the best response my family could give. I don't need them to get or understand it it's mostly for me anyways. My mom will start to "dance" when I am starting a song out and it has a beat then I butcher it and you can tell she is a little confused why I would change it. My dad could care less, I can't wait till I show him the drone music I have been working on. He only likes 80s mettle hair bands. Few people even know I make music friends that know support it even tho it's weird. Other family think its neat.

Or just go all out and have new topics approved.