(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Looks like they're all there and @ Ape I mssg'd you a couple minutes ago


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I just installed ASM's V2 prosound into my dmg as per his instructions on his site and now when I plug into the factory jack there is no sound at all, speaker or headphones otherwise.

is there a difference between his board and doing the prosound with just a 1/8" jack?

and how do you know which ones are 2 & 3?

no I don't want to run them simultaneously.

just want to be able to use either at any moment.

no the LTC doesn't work at all.

Ok so this is how I have them wired up.
The Easy Clock works fine. Wired it up exactly as Kitsch's directions.
Put the output of LTC to bottom of original clock and GRD to the battery terminal on right (looking at it opened up) and 5V to the same Volt source that the Easy Clock is hooked into.
Put a SPDT 2 position switch to the LTC as you can see in my lovely diagram.
When I flip the switch for the LTC to turn it on the screen goes blank. Turn it off it comes back.

Just realized I didn't label them but you probably can figure it out.
The smaller box is the Easy Clock.
The larger one on bottom is the LTC
The two dots at top labeled clock is the original system clock.

Any Ideas what to do?

kitsch wrote:

would you mind taking the battery cover off your game boy, looking through the squarish hole where that clasp snaps in, and reading the text off the PCB right there?

it'll say DMG-CPU-0x

whats the 'x'?

so what are you saying Kitsch?

that a certain version of the DMG CPU boards have more clicky noises?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

well they're pretty damn handy anyway.

for more than just modding gameboys


(0 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here is a shot of how I have it all wired up.
The half clock works fine but the LTC doesn't work at all.
I have 2 switches wired up per instructions. 1 for the half clock, I wired that up first,
the other one wired to the LTC just like instructions say.

any suggestions?

just tried it this way and its not working.

any other ideas?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah a dremel comes in real handy when you're doing stuff like modding gameboys, models, etc, etc.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

don't sand the shell! unless you intend to remove text or there is some serious scrapes & scratches. but in that case you probably shouldn't be painting that shell anyway.

make sure to soak the dissasembled shell in warm to hot soapy water to clean it real well & let dry completely.

this video is pretty good

I never thought about using a cup of warm water to heat the can for smoothness, that's a good trick.

You don't need to do the pre sanding, I wouldn't do it on the dmg case but thats just me.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hell no don't use plasti-dip!
that's not paint anyway

use the same rules that you would apply to anything else you paint.

it might be good to try on some other things before you potentially ruin a shell too.

airbrush is the best.
spray cans next just need to be more attentive to what you are doing with spray cans.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

so it should be attached onto the shell itself? or onto the circuit board?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I was wondering if anyone had any pics or suggestions as to where to place the circuit board for Kitsch's RGBss without it getting in the way.

I've been trying to figure it out before I start soldering but can't figure it out.

directly behind the buttons doesn't seem to work.

any help please

yeah thats what I was trying to say.

is there something I can do to eliminate that?

do the sheets need to stick to it completely?

yeah I discovered that but after peeling off the polar film, the appearance is splotchy because that plastic sheeting isnt clinging to the backlight itself.

when I gently rub it with my fingers it appears normal again.

Is there something that I can do to solve this?