(44 replies, posted in Trading Post)

might wanna look at his ebay page, prices are kinda scary


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

pm'd you back

after reading that link above what I can think of would be way too much trouble unless there was only one LCD left in the world.

1. un attach the bottom brown ribbon FROM THE PCB, NOT THE SCREEN by desoldering the contacts.

2. this way you can open up the LCD to expose the white ribbon without stressing the corners too much
(which is what seems to happen when I have tried to do a backlight on a perfect screen then came up with dead pixels)

3. Lay the LCD flat so that it is parallel with the PCB on a flat surface(no static!)

4. Like the guy replying if you read the link above, use gentler heat to reattach the ribbon

5. now reverse all these steps by reattaching the brown ribbon to the PCB and check to see if it works.

Like I said, this seems like way to much trouble but it might be worth checking out, think Im gonna pull out one of my damaged LCDs now and try it!

Here's the link to my ebay auction for a black PiL with red inverted screen and internal prosound.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/130877232985?ss … 1555.l2649


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yeah but he don't reply to mssg's and these are still available smile


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi all I have some leftover parts that I've been collecting up and am now ready to get rid of.

3 shells with both PCBs (LCDs all have problems, 1 has vertical lines, the others have horizontal), a 3 LED WHITE backlight, various buttons,screen protectors and other parts.

perfect for someone looking for some junk parts to practice some mods on.

sorry, forgot to get a pic of the backlight but I have and will send it with the rest of it.

Asking $40 in the US.


(44 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Pmd you about  several items check yo inbox


(11 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

If you're interested in the Kaoss Pro at all I have one that I am interested in getting rid of.

I know its not the KP3 but close and also pretty cool.  I feel that I have outgrown it and I barely touch it anymore.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

we NEED white button sets

1st thing I start with a lot of PATIENCE.

2nd I start with a razor peeling up all layer from the easiest corner that you can get to/handle.

3rd I use a cotton swab soaked in 91% rubbing alcohol to help with loosening the screen.

peel a little at a time, slowly keeping dabbing with alcohol until it's all peeled up.

I find that alcohol makes it a little easier to peel, but has more tendency to leave behind leftover adhesive.

if you can peel it without the aid of alcohol do it, there will prolly be less residue left behind.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

its not. if you had it in person you could see that it is IN the plastic.

like the yellowing of the NES and SNES shells that people reverse with that oxi bright mix.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Not sure if this is where this should go but I have a question.

Does anyone know of a way to restore clear plastic such as the stuff used for the old clearboys?

specifically a way to remove the milkiness that occurs? is this from heat, sun, age?

how about the scratches?

I've thought of trying to use headlight lens restore but wanted to ask first in case anyone has tried or has experience.

here's a couple pics of the milkiness in clear plastic im talking about, I put a few pics so hopefully you can see it.

Adhrast wrote:
n00bstar wrote:

Oh shut up. He's asking people to make an offer. Either he does that and gets your kind on his back telling him he's fishing for prices, or he puts in a specific amount and gets called retarded because you'll think it's too much. Just.. shut up, go away and unless you plan on buying the thing, don't participate.

Indicate prices on items you are selling.  If you are trying to auction it off put it on ebay and put a link to the sale here.

It's the rules mate wink

ok cry baby there you go I put in a price. now the violins are playing you a song.

it's too bad that on this cool site there are a ton of kids with nothing better to do than post stupid pictures on peoples threads and make irrelevant comments.

either you're interested in it or not, if you are great, if not, find someone else to bother.

I figured I would put in on here before I listed it on ebay, either way its going somewhere.



(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

timbob where'd you get the white buttons?

and those look sweet.

Im wondering how they would look with the same color paint on the inside that the shell is.

Im afraid to try it and ruin the look of the shells.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Casey wrote:

Had this GBA lying around unused, thought I'd have a go at painting from the inside. It was a real bitch to tape up the edges. The fluorescent green paint looks great in the daylight.


so you painted this with flourescent green paint?
what color was the shell?

I was thinking about doing this with one of kitsch's clear colored shells.